letakain21 wrote on 10 Jan 2010 22:30:
this is going to be my last post on this side
I just wanted to say thank you to all the holy warriors on GYE for everything you did for me
for inspiring me
for encouraging me
for making me smile and laugh
for showing me what life is really about
for showing me that i am special
for helping me uncover the real me
for answering my calls for help
for caring
for letting me be a part of the revolution
for every smiley and post that made me feel that i could do it.
You guys are the best family in the world. Keep improving and being the best you can be. i'll be davening for you all.
WATLITW, your sister,
TrYiNg wrote on 11 Jan 2010 03:54:
Does anyone know how depressing it is to click on "new replies" for four hours straight and get "no posts"?? ?? ?? You mean I really got to get a life besides GYE?? :o :o
Now I need a 'chill spot'. Gals , you realize the men took all the good threads? >
ooh...I'm gonna make our own..and it's gonna have pink curtains and gorgeous china and expensive silverware..Dim lighting of course.. KEWL
Problem is that it's a bit lonely..
I still didn't say 'thank you' cuz I don't think this is goodbye.
and I don't know how to say goodbyes. It breaks my heart. Steve, I hear you on changes. It's one of the things I detest the most in my life.
Even a change for the better. :'(
Again Guard, I'm with you entirely. Just sharing what's hard.
One more thing , there is no way I can ever thank all of you who have
all singlehandedly changed my life. This isn't just about SA. I've learned to how to climb mountains. Even straight brick walls. I learned how to fall gracefully and land in standing position. I've learned how to continue trucking despite the odds. I learned that hashem is always here no matter what we do. I learned that inside, people aren't all that bad. (even men :
) They're actually good and kind and oh so pure. All of you. I don't care what the world says but you've shown me what true avodas hashem is. I've learned about real caring and about the greatness of the human spirit. Oh yes, I also learned that no matter how serious a situation is , a little laughter won't hurt. :D
These lessons will remain with me forever. Through every journey and bump in the road. Through every mountain I'll have to climb.
When things are tough I will remember each gevaaaaldig. Each KUTGW. Each ACE. KOT. GTG
.and one very important "you are someone special".
They will keep me going and ALL OF YOU will be part of my successes
You will never be forgotten.
Guard , was the point to get me emotional? Mission accomplished. Jokes over
Now can we pretty pls have the old GYE back?? :'(
I was initially very pro the move, and durring the time when the forums were still together - I could never get myself to give a jewish girl chizuk in these ares,
but when I saw these two posts I started to cry.
This is the first time I'm realizing how special GUE really is.
The world is never the same after a special relationship discontinues.
I don't know what kind of tzaddik, or avodah, or tefillah, or siyum, or whatever - can ever make up for the unimaginable void this separation is going to leave in kevod shomayim.
But good things have a tendency to come to an end.
The only nechama I can give myself, is that I know that somewhere high above our perceptions, all the efforts of our tzaddikim and tzidkanios are uniting together, and are forming one great Nachas Ruach for our creator and father in shomayim.
And without a doubt, even if we don't notice it, we ARE still helping each other, and we ARE still giving each other chizuk, and we ARE still giving each other strength to force ourselves to continue trucking against all odds. And in a way that is more effective and powerful than we can ever imagine.
I wish all of you the most amazing success in everything that you do, that means GUE matters as well as every other good thing you ever work on throughout your lives.
You should all be zocheh (those single of course) to marry Ovdei H-shem B'emes U'bsimcha, who will learn Torah Lishmah throughout their entire lives according to the p'nai H-shen gives them for it, and (this includes those married) live lives of shalom bayis, emes, emunah, simchah, and ahavas H-shem, and constantly grow in your avodas H-shem and reach great hights, and each on of you shold raise a house full of yirei H-shem and ba'alei midos tovos and derech eretz.
Even though we're not on each others forums anymore, we'll still be in each other's tefillos.
Goodbye and Kol Tuv....