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Started at day 1... today is day 10
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: Started at day 1... today is day 10 3004 Views

Re: Started at day 1... today is day 10 17 Dec 2010 01:39 #89547

  • Tuvia
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B"H. Day 18.

My partner came back into town so I am not alone for long stretches of time at the office... so that has helped me tremendously.  I had been beating my addiction, but it had made each day a struggle when I would be alone with my addiction, my thoughts, a computer and not a lot of accountability for how I spend my time.  Because I get a lot of things accomplished quickly... I can have some time at the end of the day when I don't have to do anything and when someone else isn't here, it can be hard.

It really goes to show us that we need to get out of ISOLATION!!!!

Eye, you are absolutely right... the phone conferences are amazing!  I am currently trying to do Dov's, Duvid Chaim's, and Elya's calls.  It is a little bit too much for me to handle all of them along with other shuirim, work, etc... but G-d willing I'll be able to continue them all (somehow). =)  B/c, these calls are saving my life, marriage, and family.

Thank you everyone for your support!!!  May Hashem send you much brochos!  And may we all succeed in creating a beautiful world together!


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Re: Started at day 1... today is day 10 17 Dec 2010 02:06 #89550

Tuvia wrote on 17 Dec 2010 01:39:
And may we all succeed in creating a beautiful world together!


Amein!! May it be so
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Re: Started at day 1... today is day 10 19 Dec 2010 21:44 #89741

  • Eye.nonymous
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Tuvia wrote on 17 Dec 2010 01:39:

Eye, you are absolutely right... the phone conferences are amazing!  I am currently trying to do Dov's, Duvid Chaim's, and Elya's calls.  It is a little bit too much for me to handle all of them along with other shuirim, work, etc... but G-d willing I'll be able to continue them all (somehow). =)  B/c, these calls are saving my life, marriage, and family.

I'm glad the suggestion was helpful, and your enthusiasm is impressive.  If I may suggest, you might want to speak to Dov, Duvid Chaim, or Elya about pacing yourself.  We need to make sure we can keep up with this for the long-run.


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Re: Started at day 1... today is day 10 19 Dec 2010 22:14 #89749

  • Someone
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Good to hear your moving forward! Good thing you're getting out of isolation. This seems to be a very big stumbling block for a lot of people (me definitely included).

Keep up the Good work!
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Re: Started at day 1... today is day 10 19 Dec 2010 23:16 #89753

  • bardichev
Keep on Trucking!!

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Re: Started at day 1... today is day 10 20 Dec 2010 06:22 #89782

  • silentbattle
  • Current streak: 1628 days
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Hey there - how are things going?
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Re: Started at day 1... today is day 10 22 Dec 2010 15:27 #90239

  • Tuvia
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B"H.  Day 24.

There is something deep inside me that still has secretly said, "Tuvia, your a good person... you are beating this on your own."

Today, I realized that the above is not true.  Maybe for the first time.  I am really, REALLY an addict.  And on my own I can not stop.

HKBH saves me every day, but today I was saved by someone else over in the Accountability Group "ahavas hashem."  You can read it here: www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=3095.120

I can't even tell you how much I appreciate TB and YVY. 

Today... today I am sober because Hashem sent me two malachim.  May they both be gebenchted.
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Re: Started at day 1... today is day 10 22 Dec 2010 20:19 #90360

  • silentbattle
  • Current streak: 1628 days
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Wow - I have a few thoughts I'd like to share. First of all, fantastic that you're still clean! Rejoice in that!

You are a good person. Beating this completely on our own is impossible. If nothing else, we certainly need hashem's help, but generally, we also need some kind of support. And that's ok - realizing that you are still dong incredibly powerful and beautiful work, and that you are an amazing person...that's important.

And you're right, you need to have hakaras hatov to the two wonderful people who saved you - while realizing that you can also be someone's angel.

Also, you need to have hakaras hatov to yourself, for putting yourself in a situation where you can be saved! It's not just outside help. You did what you needed to do to be saved. And then, given the opportunity, you took it!

Keep on rocking!
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Re: Started at day 1... today is day 10 23 Dec 2010 17:06 #90516

  • Tuvia
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Thanks for the encouragement and good points!
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Re: Started at day 1... today is day 10 24 Dec 2010 06:27 #90641

  • silentbattle
  • Current streak: 1628 days
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Thank you for the inspiration!
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Re: Started at day 1... today is day 10 27 Dec 2010 09:45 #90866

  • Tuvia
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B"H, clean for today... that adds to 28 days.

Instead of reposting a long "Open Letter To My Wife" I wrote elsewhere just now, here is the link:

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Re: Started at day 1... today is day 10 29 Dec 2010 23:41 #91254

  • Tuvia
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Today is day 31.

I'm just trying to make it each day without worrying about the future, but I am glad to have made it to level 4  8)

Thank you everyone for your encouragement!
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Re: Started at day 1... today is day 10 30 Dec 2010 17:56 #91327

  • briut
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Beautiful. You know, by the way, I TRY to keep in mind (without much success, mind you!) that every time I pull my wife into some emotionally challenging situation (like finding a letter in my 'drafts' folder )... I buy her a little present just to show that I'm still in love. Chicks dig flowers, cute cards with hard-written notes, even post-its on the bathroom mirror.

Sometimes it helps my wife remember that it's all worth it -- all the pain is worth having the gain of the relationship. Even with poor poor pitiful me .

It's probably not relevant, oh you sensitive one, but I figured I'd share my reaction nonetheless.

Beautiful work you're doing. Keep us posted.
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Re: Started at day 1... today is day 10 31 Dec 2010 07:55 #91443

  • Eye.nonymous
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Tuvia wrote on 29 Dec 2010 23:41:

I'm just trying to make it each day without worrying about the future, but I am glad to have made it to level 4

Sound great.

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Re: Started at day 1... today is day 10 31 Dec 2010 17:11 #91486

  • Tuvia
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Starting over again.  Day 2.

I fell yesterday early in the morning.

I was working on financial projections for my company, and was doing research online when an image popped up on the screen.  Immediately I left the site, but then my curiosity and addiction took over.  I photo searched word after word in google until something got through the filter. 

In the back of my mind, I convinced myself that there aren't any consequences.  Just a week earlier I had decided to take my wife off of being my partner for the WebChaver.  She can sometimes be OCD about checking it, and her having that much insight was causing more issues than when I was just giving into the addiction in the past.

The problem was that I didn't make sure that I had someone else to be the person checking WebChaver.  I know that the goal is as DuvidChaim says, to "have a filter on our minds."  However, I am not quite there right now... at least with the internet.

If anyone is a sponsor or knows of one... I am looking because I need one to setup to monitor webchaver.

OK, I'm back in the game.  Its just like the big book says, the addiction wants us to become DOWN about falling so that it can keep us in the addiction.  NOT FOR ME!!!  I'm back.  Humbly, with sword and shield ready.

Briut, your right.  I've done it for other thing (i.e. getting in arguments) but didn't for this... don't know why, but I'm going to go buy her flowers now!

Gut Shabbos
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