Tomim2B wrote on 05 Aug 2009 05:38:
In addition, some people will walk at an extra brisk pace when taking the streets
I like that - use shiurim at a "Brisk" pace! Very punny. Sorry....
Anyhoo, another "eitzoh" - not the
solution, mind you, only an eitzoh - is davening for the folks in the street. Even the ridiculously "dressed" ones there are pretty much innocent victims of misunderstanding the purpose of clothes, their bodies, or perhaps even life in general. Would I have had their upbringing I'd probably be worse. So I daven for them, saying "yivorechecah Hashem..." (either just that word, part of the posuk, the whole posuk, or something in english...depending on the halachik issues involved w/saying pesukim) and it helps me a great deal: it helps me
relax about the people I see, it helps me take myself a little less seriously and care about others, and it helps the people too, i guess. The solution for me, though, was and is, working the steps (with the help I need).
You are "the bomb", BW. (that's good, i hope.)