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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: Bruce's Battle 31206 Views

Bruce's Battle 17 Jun 2009 14:30 #6453

OK guys, it took me a little while but I'm finally up on this part of the forum. Most of you probably know who I am by now, so I won't repeat my story. You can find that and a bunch of other stuff at my original thread here: rehab-my-site.com/guardureyes/forum/index.php?topic=503.0

I will be posting my progress towards 90 clean days almost every day here. Updates will be right before I go to sleep, once the day's victory is secure, or the next morning.

This thread is really for myself. I don't care if no one reads it. It's here to keep me accountable and to help me get there.

So far I have been clean for 4 days. Today will hopefully be number 5.
Last Edit: by joelshaya.

Re: Bruce's Battle 17 Jun 2009 14:46 #6454

  • London
Hey Bruce

Keep it up, one day at a time, the road of my journey has not been smooth, and I have slipped and fallen many times, however each time I get back up as keep on going as I know that a life of active addiction is no life it's a depraved existance.  So I wish you well and do what ever it takes to stay sober one day at a time.
Last Edit: by BEAT666.

Re: Bruce's Battle 17 Jun 2009 17:21 #6479

Reb Bruce, (Reb Boruch sounds better if that's your Hebrew name be proud of it)
Its great to have a own thread so that you can keep count on were your up to.

But, if you need to discuss something or for much needed chizuck  we all need I would suggest to post on your thread as well as the thread that is getting the most attention on that particular day so that you get much more feedback.

That's just how I do it.

Efshar Letaken
Last Edit: by SF794.

Re: Bruce's Battle 17 Jun 2009 18:56 #6502

  • bardichev
heiliger bruce

i dont know whats going on in shamayim but i drank an exrta glass of woodford for you
Last Edit: by tryingveryheard.

Re: Bruce's Battle 17 Jun 2009 20:12 #6517

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 852 days
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  • Posts: 6438
  • Karma: 138
I like the name "Reb Bruce".

Keep that hell-bent determination! Direct all your anger in life (if you have any) at your addiction.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by barkochba1.

Re: Bruce's Battle 17 Jun 2009 20:18 #6520

  • bardichev
I  like the name heiliger bruce

brucey yetzer horah brucey torah tavlin!! ( a little chassidsh spin)
Last Edit: by Anon903.

Re: Bruce's Battle 17 Jun 2009 20:43 #6526

Ok! I take it back Reb Heiliger Guard!

Reb Heiliger Brucey it is!

Specially after the bardichevers "Gevaldiger" Vort.

Last Edit: by .

Re: Bruce's Battle 17 Jun 2009 21:16 #6539

  • ChaimChaim
  • Expert Boarder
  • Posts: 126
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Reb Brucey

Keep up your determination, to be an oved and a striver. Lfum Tzara Agra
Your final victory will turn all your previous defeats - also into victories, for despite having fallen - you will come out victorious - this is even a greater accomplishment, and Kavod that you give HaShem.

I am pulling for you, and appreciate the help that your struggle moves me forward also
With love and appreciation
Last Edit: by ulun47.

Re: Bruce's Battle 17 Jun 2009 21:28 #6542

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 852 days
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  • Posts: 6438
  • Karma: 138
"brucey yetzer horah brucey torah tavlin!!" That really got me laughing!! (But you have to be chassidish to get that one).
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by .

Re: Bruce's Battle 18 Jun 2009 00:14 #6560

"Direct all your anger in life (if you have any)..."

ARE YOU KIDDING? That's how I succeed at EVERYTHING. I have more anger and frustration than you care to know about. Trust me.

Also, I must say I'm impressed with the number of posts that are already up here. Didn't expect it.

Update later. So far so good for today.
Last Edit: by shomeratsmo.

Re: Bruce's Battle 18 Jun 2009 15:46 #6604

Last Edit: by cleaneyes.

Re: Bruce's Battle 19 Jun 2009 13:32 #6710

  • Noorah BAmram
  • Current streak: 3711 days
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 522
  • Karma: 8
Bruce, shalom aleichem; I read a lot of  your posts and am inspired by your fighting spirit!!
I'm rooting for you!!
[b]כי שבע יפול צדיק וקם[/b] 
A Tzadik is he who continues to  bounce back after he hits bottom, even a hundred times !!!!!Rav Don Segal Shlita
Last Edit: by Michael Sar Israel.

Re: Bruce's Battle 19 Jun 2009 14:33 #6722

Last Edit: by .

Re: Bruce's Battle 19 Jun 2009 14:55 #6724

  • battleworn
brucey yetzer horah brucey torah tavlin!! ( a little chassidsh spin)

Heiliger Bardichev, it's unfortunately very hard to get me to laugh (I'm suffering from terrible emotional yesurim that I don't wish on anyone Hashem yishmireinu) I smiled at a lot of your jokes but when I read this one -just now, I laughed for real. You should know that you did me a great chesed.
And BRUCE, it's all thanks to you.

You should all have a wonderful Shabbos!!!
Last Edit: by .

Re: Bruce's Battle 19 Jun 2009 14:57 #6726

  • bardichev
hey it is parhsas sheh-LACH!!! ;D ;D ;D
goood shabbos
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