CA: I bet you can find some comfort in a few things:
1) remember how many more clean days per year you're having now than before you started this work; even a fall a week Ch'V is only 52 per year and over 300 clean ones. Think about it!
2) remember how your average "mainstream American" (i.e., goy) sees all this as normal, even an act of general discussion or even pride. And probably does it every day without a second thought. You are comparing yourself to a very small and refined set of "real" men. And you're average/okay/in-the-bell-shaped-curve even within this group.
3) every fall helps you learn how to stand again. (I almost said 'get up again' but that phrasing is sorta triggering for me. So, frankly, is your description that you fell "hard" (is there another way a guy can fall?; forgive me!!) (And should this be edited out?).
4) you've probably built up your confidence in these areas to find a way to ask your dad for a filter. Not just for your laptop, but for all the PCs in the house. I'm not giving up on this one. DO IT.
Good Shabbos. You're doing fine.