Yiddle2 wrote on 02 Sep 2010 14:39:
A heilege recovered GYE yid once asked me how many times a day I daven. I told him "3???" He said "thats it??? I daven about 50 times a day!" The point is that if you want to be in recovery, you cant just do what the norm is. We arent normal people. We need that extra 47 times a day (atleast :D ) to connect to Hashem to stay in recovery.
That was a real smart Jew...
You see however that even normal non-addicted people have to Davven 3 times a day every day to remain ehrlich. Add all the brochos, bentching, ashe yatzar's, krias sheman al hamitah, etc. etc.
yeeah just realized everybody gotta davven about 50 at least. :D ;D