Grant400 wrote on 23 Jul 2020 22:44:
The reason for the shvua is to force you to implement the punishment or kabbalah. Meaning without a shvua if you chsv"sh fell its really hard to get yourself to give a few hundred dollars to tzedaka. A method I found helpful instead of swearing was to give a close friend a check for a large amount of money and tell him that you made a kabbalah about something (don't specify) or add something simple that's not embarrassing and tell him that it's for that. Ask him to keep on top of you and ask you every day or two if you are still keeping up and if you fall he MUST deposit it. If not in the future it wont help.
Also make sure it's not that large a sum that you won't be honest in the face of losing so much. (I used this method which worked wonders after a while I lost the first amount-$500 so I upped it but my friend wasn't on top of me because he expected me to let him know when I fell because that's what I did the first time since I didn't want to lose so much I never told him)
This can work but calls for you to be really honest. If you use webchaver or something similar or are password protected then it may work to have the same person for both unless it is bypassable for you then this might not work.
Nice to see you posting again, Jj123, especially on other threads. Helping others really helps yourself.
Keep this going.