Jj123 wrote on 19 Mar 2020 20:02:
DavidT thank you so much for your kind words! They are much appreciated.
Maybe a point or two in response:
Is it really true that Hashem doesn't judge a person by his feelings? Especially in this case where I am the one who brought these negative thoughts and attitudes upon myself through my behavior, perhaps my feelings are my own fault.
Second, the idea that thought follows action is an important one. I was wondering how applicable it is here. I think it makes a lot of sense when applied to action, say acting kindly even when feeling the opposite. Thanks, on the other hand is a thought. The words are only a means of expression. In other words, a kind action is kind, regardless of the thoughts it masks. A thank you might not be a thank you at all if it is not an expression of gratitude.
Please let me know what you think!
Thanks again.
First, if a person puts himself in a challenging situation, or even if he strengthens his lusts by constantly giving in and now faces overwhelming battles, he still receives the same reward for struggling to overcome his desires as if it had not been his fault. Although bringing the struggle upon himself adds to the gravity of his earlier mistakes, it does not take away from the greatness of his accomplishments.
The Rambam (Hilchos Teshuva 7:4) explains that by sinning, ba’alei teshuva activated their desires and became more susceptible to the pull of sin. Their desires are many times stronger than those of a person who never sinned. For them to win their battles, they must exert much more effort.
The lower we have fallen, the higher we can reach!
Second, there is an amazing "sefer hachinuch" that might give you some insight on the subject of feelings come after the actions:
דע כי האדם נפעל כפי פעולותיו, ולבו וכל מחשבותיו תמיד אחר מעשיו שהוא עוסק בהם, אם טוב ואם רע. ואפילו רשע גמור בלבבו וכל יצר מחשבות לבו רק רע כל היום, אם יערה רוחו וישים השתדלותו ועסקו בהתמדה בתורה ובמצוות, ואפילו שלא לשם שמים, מיד ינטה אל הטוב, ומתוך שלא לשמה בא לשמה, ובכוח מעשיו ימית היצר הרע כי אחרי הפעולות נמשכים הלבבות. ואפילו אם יהיה אדם צדיק גמור ולבבו ישר ותמים, חפץ בתורה ובמצוות, אם יעסוק תמיד בדברים של דופי – דרך משל, שהכריחו המלך ומינהו באומנות רעה באמת, אם כל עסקו תמיד כל היום באותה אומנות – ישוב בזמן מן הזמנים מצדקת לבו להיות רשע גמור.
מצוה טז - שלא לשבור עצם מן הפסח