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Become Holy's Journey
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: Become Holy's Journey 16885 Views

Re: Become Holy's Journey 24 Feb 2010 05:10 #55093

  • Ineedhelp!!
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Hey BH,

B'H  (pun intended) that you have grown so much since ypu started here on GYE. I remember when I used to fall and get so down on myself and shut myself down for days. Now we are recognizing that this is something takes time and needs to be worked on. Thank you BH for reminding me this.


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Re: Become Holy's Journey 24 Feb 2010 07:54 #55115

  • Steve
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Hey, BH, you gonna join Duvid Chaim's phone conference today? 12 noon EST. Be there or Be Square.

This is the best investment you could ever do with your lunch break. And if the hour's tough, DC has other eitzas, like hooking you up with an alum at a different time. But come to the first call today.

"see" you there!
No one is so small that he can not give help, and no one is so big that he doesn't need it.

Kol HaOlam Kulo, Gesher Tzar Meod, V'HaIkkar: Lo L'Pacheid Klal.
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 24 Feb 2010 11:38 #55136

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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Fallen shmallen!! It happens. To the best of us. We need to learn from our mistakes, and go on. So just dust yourself off, pick your self up and keep on moving!! Thers no time to waste, you need to become holy!!   :D :D
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 24 Feb 2010 15:39 #55198

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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Thanks Guys.

The problem is the beginning - I feel like I should "get it out of my system" before I go at it again. But instead of getting out of my system I'm feeding it more. In any case... I'm gonna join the DC call and see how it goes. The hour is pretty tough, plus the # is blocked by google voice, and the voipcheap thing does not work w/o a credit card as claimed, so I'm gonna see... .maybe I'll buy a skype account of unlimited calls for $30 for a year.

Maybe I'll have someone call my Google voice, then conference over their phone to the DC # and thats it.

Even if I'm NOT an addict, I'm sure I will benefit a LOT from the call.

See ya then :-)
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 04 Mar 2010 23:59 #56436

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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Life's Tough. Its meant to be that way. Stop hoping it won't be.
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 10 Mar 2010 16:30 #57360

  • Sturggle
  • Current streak: 178 days
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ok, fine, ill stop!
so, have you joined the calls?
if so, how's that going?
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 11 Mar 2010 08:46 #57494

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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I have joined the calls :-)

As I've mentioned before, I'm addicted to comfort. Or Escape. My problem is not specifically lust. My problem is that I'm running away from life. I'm not even sure why. So I realized that the 12 steps aren't about treating your addiction to your vice. They're a life changing program that changes you for the better which releases you from the need to have a vice. Whether its lust, movies, procrastination (or for many others, alcohol, drugs or food), its irrelevant. This program will change my life. For the better. Nobody can say with certainty that I need therapy. But this is better than therapy.

Would I pass on an opportunity to double my income by taking a 13 week course? Of course not. This is even MORE important. For 13 weeks of my time, I will improve the rest of my life 100 fold. Even if I'm NOT an addict. And I can't even be sure about whether I am.

So I'm in. If God made me use lust, because he wanted me to improve my life by learning the 12 steps, so be it. The one who benefits the most is me :-)

Are you in?
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 14 Apr 2010 14:25 #61244

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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I haven't been here fore a while.... really just concentrating on DCs group for now. Hope everyone is doing well :-)
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 14 Apr 2010 14:33 #61249

  • dovinisrael
  • Gold Boarder
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be holy!!

hang on to every word Duvid Chaim says!

the program works!

its like a car-wash for a dirty neshama.

with brachas
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 25 Apr 2010 15:04 #62920

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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HElooooooooooooooo I'm still alive. yay! Ok. I think I will start checking in again daily. Something as simple as "hello... I just read the daily chizuk email."  Ok bye.
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 25 Apr 2010 15:17 #62921

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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Oh I heard something interesting from a smoker who quit. If you say "this is my last cigarrette, then you'll say that for the rest of your life." If you say, "that" was was my last cigarrete (the one I had last week, last month, last year...) then you've got a fighting chance. Take it, picture it, imagine it, how "good" it was, and the moment will pass. You will be pretty dissapointed by your memory, and will have no interest in reliving that dissapointment by actually taking a new cigarrette.

they say all begginings are hardest. When you fall, you are just creating a new beginning. You are saying " I WANT to go through another few days of withdrawal!" So the key is to remember = Just this one "last litte time" just this one slip - this is EQUIVALENT to saying - just another week of withdrawal symptoms (or 90 days... depends who u ask :-D )

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Re: Become Holy's Journey 23 May 2010 07:07 #66253

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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I was reading a book by R' Tatz the other day. He put things very simply. Our growth in this world is very simply by passing the challenges that are given to us. At each moment, when we have to choose what we will do next, we are given a choice. We don't get to choose how much money we make, or how healthy we'll be, or in fact really anything. Except for one thing. We get to choose at the moment of our test will we do the good or the not good. And its like a muscle. The more we "exercise it" the stronger we'll get. That specific test will at a certain point no longer be a choice. It will be a habit. We will choose good, because we will have made it a habit. We will have different challenges instead - obviously "heavy" enough to still work out our choice making "muscle." 

So in fact, when a person says, well what am I going to do, can I really never lust again... but I want to....."  Well in fact, a non addict, that does lust again, well they can just do some teshuva, and hopefully things will be great. An addict however, doesn't just have a "set back" in their choice making muscle. They get a sharp kick to the muscle which puts it out of commission for a while. Thats really the only difference between an addict and a non addict. An addict has an ADDITIONAL incentive to avoid lusting. Because for them, it really puts a kink in their "exercising" regimen. God loves an addict so much that he gives him extra help to stay holy.
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 24 May 2010 08:21 #66369

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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I was thinking....

An addict after some time feels that he is now "stronger." However this is totally the opposite of what is really going on. God lets us grow by giving us challenges. As we pass the challenges, the challenges, or the "weight of the dumbbell" gets heavier. Just because you are now stronger does not mean that you are still lifting a light weight. Ever see a professional weightlifter? They might be very strong, but they know that if they don't use proper technique and form with that 1000 lbs they're about to lift, they're going to injure themselves. Addicts must also realize that being stronger means their "weight" that they're lifting is going to be parallel to their strength. Therefore they must me that much more careful when they "lift" the weight.

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Re: Become Holy's Journey 25 May 2010 16:56 #66665

  • DovInIsrael
just passing through - stopping by to say hi.


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Re: Become Holy's Journey 25 May 2010 17:09 #66673

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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hey :-) checking in too :-)
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