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Become Holy's Journey
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: Become Holy's Journey 16896 Views

Re: Become Holy's Journey 10 Feb 2010 07:17 #52403

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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I'm here I'm here..... sorry for the delay. I've been posting a lot on my group...

Anyway, day 29! :-)

Yesterday I gave in and watched a TV show. This time though, I stayed away from the inappropriate unclean ones, and I watched a pretty innocuous one. As I'm watching it I reinforce the fakeness of it all and how I'm not gaining anything from it. Good thing I was folding laundry basically the whole time I was watching, so it wasn't a total waste of time.

In the past 30 days I've watched 2 tv shows and one movie. The movie was about nuremberg trials and is considered historically accurate so one might say it was even educational.

In any case I'm glad I've been able to grow to this level - it has been quite a rough road to get here, but God has literally held my hand and has allowed me to get this far. I hope I am able to finally stop the destruction, and move on to the great potential I know I have.

Steve, thanks for keeping an eye on me - I appreciate your support!
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 10 Feb 2010 07:25 #52406

  • imtrying25
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BecomeHoly wrote on 10 Feb 2010 07:17:

In any case I'm glad I've been able to grow to this level - it has been quite a rough road to get here, but God has literally held my hand and has allowed me to get this far. I hope I am able to finally stop the destruction, and move on to the great potential I know I have.

Wow! With an attitude like that you will get very far!! Keep it up BH. 
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 10 Feb 2010 07:42 #52412

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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I was just thinking about whether I was a dry drunk or whether I've made some real changes.

So here goes:

Shemirat Einayim:

1) I know that I can't just shut out the world (I Don't want to either), but its all about the double take - I remind myself not to take a second look.

2) In fact, I look away before it can become a problem - if I think I might look, I just stop and look away until she passes. Also, I try to  turn away as soon as I've been exposed. I DON"T WANT TO LOOK SINCE I KNOW WHERE IT WILL LEAD.

3) I try to apply this everywhere - on the street, w/ women I interact with, if I end up watching some media (although a bad idea, at least I'm trying to keep it clean...)

4) If I'm interacting with a woman, and I notice that I'm thinking about her inappropriately, I try to change my thoughts directly. I lament to myself that I've corrupted myself such that I need to objectify women - even women that I respect and admire - I end up having unclean images pop into my head about them. I hope I can reverse this sad state.

5) If I'm interacting with a woman, and I notice that this interaction is leading me to think too much about her (as per #4) I will try to stop the interaction. Usually the case is where the woman is not exactly so innocent herself (tznua in the letter of the law but not the spirit..) and in general arouses those thoughts within me.  Although for the most part I can ignore it, the result is that I may have keri blayla - something which not only will not give me pleasure, it is also quite unpleasant to clean up and is something God doesn't want.

I've noticed that this time (my second attempt at being clean), I'm not constantly fighting the urge to explode. Last time, I was literally on the edge. Though last time I was also trying to work on shemirat eynayim, I don't think it was being done as well as this time (especially since I didn't have the amazing resources provided by GYE), but additionally I was very seriously dating someone. I think that the thoughts and discussions of the future were constantly triggering me.

Lastly, I think that the fact that I know I can ignore the Y"H and NOTHING will happen makes a big difference for me this time. I can be calm and even laugh at the situation, with the knowledge that I don't have to fight so hard. Its not my fight. Its Gods fight. I just need to call him up when attacked. Even though I don't do that so much, just the KNOWLEDGE of being able to do so has kept me more or less unburdened with lust.

I'm hoping that I'm actually making changes here so I can have a permanent recovery..... What do you guys think? Dry drunk still, or actually making changes?
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 10 Feb 2010 08:32 #52416

  • habaletaher
  • Current streak: 23 days
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Dear Heilige Tzaddik,

Are you nuts? You're asking us if your just a dry drunk or making real progess?



Keep on working on yourself like that, slowly moving the bar higher and higher, and you will quickly see that you can live olam haba in this world too!!!

Alei Vi'hatzlach!!!

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Re: Become Holy's Journey 11 Feb 2010 02:51 #52631

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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Wow, Habaletaher thanks for your kind words.

when you see others think so highly of you it helps. How could I be mekalkel if HB holds me in such high esteem. I might not consider myself so great, but I wouldn't want to dissapoint those who think so... :-)

Ok I won't be able to post until Sunday.

Shabbat Shalom everyone! :-)

Day 30 here we come!
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 14 Feb 2010 18:25 #53114

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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Day 33. Its getting tough. But when I'm attacked I call out to God. He's been holding my hand...
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 15 Feb 2010 00:34 #53188

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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Today was a pretty tough day. The shemirat eynayim is not really an issue for me even. Whats really annoying me is the fact that I'm biologically feeling a need for a "release." After going to the bathroom, I have an additional "leak" which of course just makes me want to "finish it off" I'm resisting hard, but its really tough, when you just feel that its almost as simple as a sneeze, a cough, or blowing your nose. The y"h has realized that lust is not an option anymore - I've managed to take it to a level where I push it out within seconds if the thought enters my mind. I treat it as a super danger.  In fact I'm only getting thoughts 1 - 3 times a day. So the y"h is willing to settle for some mediocre sz"l. Well guess what. You're gonna have to do it some other way.

As much as I resist, even when I'm sleeping (I guess my "conditioning" is extending even to my sleep!), I see that its less and less so in my hands. When asleep I give up more quickly (of course I'm not exactly controlling my dreams...) and I've also noticed a pattern in the past that around 30 days clean I have a wet dream. A few times it was EXACTLY 30 days. In any case, God will decide - last week I felt it coming on so I slept in my tzitzit and thank G-d I woke up clean. Interestingly - when it comes to wet dreams they are just a nuisance - you get ZERO pleasure, and a big mess to clean up. This does not include the need/ embarrassment  to sneak out and change w/o anyone figuring out what you're doing... especially if you're staying at someone elses house (I do that every shabbat...). So why? I'm NOT interested. The only thing I can think of is that the "biological release" will help me continue to fight the good fight. So there ya go Y"H, if I have a wet dream YOU lose. So please... don't bother.

I noticed another thing recently - as per my recent post about interacting with girls - the reason why last time I was affected was because she was not tznua. She was dressed 100% tznua. But the way she spoke, her language, her aggressive demeanor is what did it. It removed the "good" in her, and made me on a subconscious level objectify her. When women are tznua in the way they act, interacting with them doesn't affect me (as much?) - I realized this after interacting w/ some girls this past weekend and I was fine. Maybe it was a fluke, but I'm thinking that was the difference.

Thank God, I don't think I'm even close to addicted as much as many others. Reading through the forums, chizuk emails.... I see that I have a pretty easy time filtering out the bad and focusing on the good. I am instinctively reacting to pritzus by turning away, running from it. Although little things do trigger me - it lasts about 2 seconds before I am already pusshing it out of my head. I don't "go with it." If I linger a few seconds too long, I'm already hearing a voice in my head screaming, "DANGER! DANGER!" The same applies to seeing something in the street, magazines, or the internet....  I RUN.

I am hoping, that by following the halachos of Shemiras eynayim (which was not written for addicts, but for EVERYONE), I will have enough to keep me in line. So far it seems to be doing the trick. Something as simple as eliminating the bad influences in my life (TV, movies...) has been enough to get me in line. Some of the stuff I was watching was really not appropriate at all. so its no wonder I was struggling. non addicts are just as affected. I hope I'm just one of those "non-addicts.
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 15 Feb 2010 12:27 #53317

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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WOW!!! thats about all i can say!! BH you seem to be making strides. Big strides. Keep it up. Hatzlacha!! And in time of need, shout out to us and well try and be mechazek you!!! I think if we take it one day at a time, and forget that were holding in the ( hard) 30's things might be easier. Try it out. Tell yourself just today im gonna stay clean. One day at a time.

Hatzlacha and wishing you all the best!
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 15 Feb 2010 15:35 #53353

  • BecomeHoly
  • Current streak: 28 days
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Thanks IT.

Today I'm on edge. Really fighting. I don't know what it is.... maybe its the fact that I started dating again, and I need to both think about the future but.... I dunno... its not really that. But I am on edge. Like an itch I need to scratch. In any case. I'm reminding myself again. If I don't answer the door NOTHING will happen. I will not explode. I will not get sick. I will only be uncomfortable. As an addict of comfort, this will be difficult. But discomfort does not damage you. It only makes you stronger.

Lets list the good things:

I got a nice haircut today.
I heard that someone really admires me. Great ego boost.
I learned some guitar while jamming w/ a couple of chilled out guys.
I have a lot to look forward too - there are many great things in my life.
I'm in demand for shidduchim.
Its adar, and purim is coming! :-)

OK... feeling better already :-)

Amazing how doing something as simple as writing down what I already know makes it that much more real to your subconscious self. Wow. Ok... I'm off.

Oh ye.... GOD please help me! I can't do it without you.
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 15 Feb 2010 16:36 #53366

  • Ineedhelp!!
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Hey BH,

Want a great exersize? There are Sheish Mitzvos Temidios. Six Mitzvos that can be done anytime and day. Take 2 minutes out of your day and spend 20 seconds on each one. Not sure what they are off hand but that 20 seconds for each one. Not much of an investment, but the return is infinitely greater than any dividends in this world! Try it and tell me how it goes.


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Re: Become Holy's Journey 16 Feb 2010 01:35 #53473

  • BecomeHoly
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They are:

Of the 613 Mitzvos, there are Six Constant Mitzvos. Rather than requiring the performance of a certain action, these mitzvos are a state of being, of living with the reality of God's existence. The Six Constant Mitzvos are: 

* Believe there is a God.
* Don't believe in other gods.
* Believe God is one.
* Love God.
* Fear God.
* Don't be misled by your heart and eyes.

If you pay attention during shma, twice a day, you should get more than 20 seconds in.... :-)
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 16 Feb 2010 03:39 #53486

  • Ineedhelp!!
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BecomeHoly wrote on 16 Feb 2010 01:35:

They are:

Of the 613 Mitzvos, there are Six Constant Mitzvos. Rather than requiring the performance of a certain action, these mitzvos are a state of being, of living with the reality of God's existence. The Six Constant Mitzvos are:   

* Believe there is a God.
* Don't believe in other gods.
* Believe God is one.
* Love God.
* Fear God.
* Don't be misled by your heart and eyes.

If you pay attention during shma, twice a day, you should get more than 20 seconds in.... :-)

I get Daily Halachah also  ;D ;D ;D ;D

And in Shema its kinda harsd to have kavana on the line "Veahavta es Hashem..." for 20 seconds. C'mon!
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 16 Feb 2010 12:23 #53547

  • imtrying25
  • Current streak: 16 days
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Wow BH you seem to be doing amazing!! Keep it up!! And no you wont explode!!

And you finally heard that someone admires you??


You keep me and im sure many others, inspired. Thanks man!
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 16 Feb 2010 16:22 #53604

  • onelife
  • Current streak: 6 days
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BH, you have an amazing approach,

just keep on thinking of good things everytime a bad thoughts apear in your head, and they will immediately go away.

35 days!!!
35 days!!
35 days!!!

KOT!! think of us!!
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Re: Become Holy's Journey 16 Feb 2010 17:52 #53613

  • bardichev
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