Dear Chaver, I feel so bad for you - you must be miserable.
Is it possible for you to change Yeshivos? Chazal say:
אין אדם לומד אלא במקום שלבו חפץ
And al pi halacha (Hilchos Kibbud Av Va'eim), one may even go against the will of his parents if he feels he will be more successful elsewhere.
But if not possible, then you need to realize that this matzav is what Hashem prescribed for you, and your avodah is to make the best of it.
Take it from me - an old timer - I always hated to learn - it made my stomach turn - but I knew that this is our main tafkid on this world, so I stuck it out (sometimes with mesiras nefesh). And now, decades later, I cannot say that I always love to learn, but B"H it became a natural habit and a way of life. And at least whenever I finish learning, I feel very good about it.
Like with all problems, talk it out with Hashem - explain that you want to do his will, and ask him to remove all obstacles. The sforim say (I think Sefer Chassidim) that when one earnestly asks Hashem for success in Torah learning, he is guaranteed that Hashem will grant his wish.