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25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win
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TOPIC: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 4959 Views

Re: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 27 May 2010 15:53 #67110

  • david4043

i'm clean for 14 day ,  we shouldn't get impress by the number (its give a great feeling) but ask god help in the new fight everyday ! we can fall every new day, but god help us !!!
if you feel get up ! the main thing is the fight and every clean day is another star in our personal life !!!!!!!!

a gite shabes everyone !!!
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Re: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 28 May 2010 03:16 #67241

It's true...but we can enjoy the feeling of being clean for a long time - as you said, it feels great! Remember that, focus on how good it feels!

One day at a time...KUTGW!!
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Re: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 28 May 2010 04:09 #67247

  • dov
  • Moderator
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Dear david4043 we love you so much, you special yid! Have a nice Shabbos, a calm Shabbos, a clean Shabbos....not perfect, just nice, calm, and clean is good enough for me!
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 29 May 2010 19:33 #67380

  • david4043

thanks guys, love you to!  we are friends in a silentbattle a battle that we will win with the help of allmighty !!!
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Re: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 30 May 2010 05:44 #67491


How are you doing? How are you feeling?
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Re: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 31 May 2010 00:36 #67653

  • david4043

feeling great !!sametimes try to  find bad staff in the net although i have rimon, thank god i didn't feel !!!

may god continue  to help us !!!!!
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Re: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 31 May 2010 00:59 #67656

Remember - use the space you have, and the time, to get used to being clean - the filter won't always protect you, but it helps you stay clean, and gives you some time to get used to not needing that stuff.

I'll give you the example I gave someone else here - the yetzer hora (or addiction) is trying to attack you, and you're fighting back - this isn't something you really want! And you have bodyguards, all of us, rooting for you! Think of us wearing tefillin, kevlar trenchcoats, and carrying M-16's with grenade launchers, ready to fight off any attack - and we're always by you're side!
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Re: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 01 Jun 2010 21:43 #68203

  • david4043

thanks !!!
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Re: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 05 Jun 2010 22:03 #68954

  • david4043

i'm "clean" for 24 days ! baruch hashem !!!

shavua tov for everyone! A GETE WOCH !!!
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Re: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 06 Jun 2010 04:15 #68980

  • dov
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 1960
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Thanks and same to you, chaver!
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 06 Jun 2010 04:59 #68989

  • NeverAgain
david4043 wrote on 05 Jun 2010 22:03:

i'm "clean" for 24 days ! baruch hashem !!!
Yeah; I used to use that line too.

After a while it catches up on you though...

Take the da*n shower!
Last Edit: 06 Jun 2010 05:12 by .

Re: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 06 Jun 2010 06:13 #68997

Hope your week is starting off well - keep on rocking and rolling!
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Re: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 06 Jun 2010 10:50 #69017

Hi David4043,

I've just read the thread. Beautiful.

With dieting, they say that "It took ten years to put on all that weight, so don't expect it to all come off at once". Yet, with these behaviours, I can see that you have been able to take a 25 year old habit, and with the Riboino Shel Oilam's help, stay clean for almost a month!

I find this all extremely powerful and noiradig. It gives me a tremendous sense of inspiration and hisoirarus!

Please G-d, you'll continue to have hatzlocha, brocha, siata d'shmaya and you'll reach dargos of tahara and kedusha that you never dreamt possible!

Ditto that for all of us too!

(By the way, apologies. Another of my bad habits is my gratuitous use of Yeshivish :-)

With love,

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Re: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 08 Jun 2010 21:12 #69563

  • david4043

i feel today and today i'm bignning from the start !!!

"אין יאוש בעולם כלל"
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Re: 25 year of masturbation, peeping ,sexphones and enternet bs'd i gone win 08 Jun 2010 21:23 #69565

  • Ineedhelp!!
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1058
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Hey David,

We dont begin all over again when we fall. We pick up right where we left off. What you did in the past does NOT get erased by any means. It is still there. All of those days of growing towards Hashem are still there. In life, there is no reset button. Only continue to grow!

Kol Tuv!

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