Markz wrote on 04 Dec 2024 20:32:
8 dais to go and de Rebbe will tansen Kazatzka on the tichel!!!
Hi everyone I'm so excited cause today I'm clean at day 90:
I'm had very hard days before I'm comed here I wased looking allover were I not allowed to looking, and being mz"l almost every day, but then I started to fighting and after a little time I comed to gye, and I found a hole family of such good friends who really caring for me, and they really understanding my struggle and help me become clean, even if they not from same backgroung from me like HHM, MUTTEL, EERIE, PY, & REDFACED, I thanking you sooo muuuch and all the family from gye, who wased a part of my story the hole way.
I'm so excited I wanting to make a huge TISH with all the gye people we gonna say LECHAYIM, and singing and dancing from simcha, I gonna be like the chussen, sitting nexto the rebbe R' HHM on the oiven un, and CHAIMOIGEN is gonna be the guest speaker, REDFACED with his popped out eye and smashed nose is gonna be the badchan making jokes and everyone gonna laughing very strong, YKW with his shmutzige bekitche is gonna laughing sooooo loud {and show off his beutiful yellow teeth and penerilipstick} that everyone is gonna getting deaf, he not gonna could standing straight so he's gonna falling on the people around him and smash them, they gonna become flache latkes full of ketchup and fish zaft, then MARKZ is gonna taking off his shoes, and gonna tantzen a kedatzke on the tischel with his white socks, PY with his lange peiyos till the floor and his huge yellow TYH! kappel that covers his hole head, and his huge earphones is gonna smashing crazy music, and is gonna smiling from one ear to the other, EERIE is gonna be that nice man that gos around to everyone with a smile and tells them very loud, "I'm sooooooo excited that you came, welcome welcome welcome"...
When some one is gonna taking a picture YKW is gonna come ripping over to him and beat him up break his camera or treifene smart phone and pull out his peiyos and bird, then throw him down the parenches and jump on him like amuleik, and PY is gonna come quick to also give him one last kick, and then they gonna quickly come running to me to save them from CHAIMOIGEN cause they scared that he's gonna turn them back into the goilem from gye.
And then MUTTEL is gonna coming and say "I see I'm late to the party..."