An update, a painful cry, a terrified scream, a loud groan, a deep sigh, (or all of the above)
I feel that I still sliding down this terrible slide to the abyss and am trying (so far unsuccessfully) to get off before I hit rock bottom.
as in close proximity to many women in addddition to some if not all of the following
Let me recap:
Life's challenges led me to different places this week that I was barraged by nisyonos.
All these places I had to deal with some or all of the following: Many women in close proximity who may or may not have been dressed appropriately for an extended period of time. TV,dirty magazines, billboards etc. Obviously all this meant I was away from my gemara which is really my only avenue of escape from these issues. Tis was for the majority of last week. B"H I was very matzliach in keeping my eyes off these things. I do not recall one time that I took a second look at anything or took a first look for the sake of looking at something inappropriate. This of course is to the credit of all my GYE friends!
So you would think I felt good after that, no? WRONG!
I felt deflated and weak. Deflated that I kept thinking that I will never be able to fulfill my perceived "needs".(of course we know it is not a real need but you get my drift) Weak that I was so worn out from the constant struggle. and can not see myself ever getting out of it. (It is not like these issues are a davar shayesh loi matiren). having no strength to continue to face the next nisoyon. (By me, practically every women is a trigger). The mental toll it was taking on me was overwhelming!
Soon my mind started playing games with me and started to drift off to imagine things tat I
didn't see! I quickly moved my mind to other more ksher things but it kept coming back, again and again. Soon I started thinking about many of the worst things I had seen in the past. (read: p***n). Again I kept trying to move on but eventually kept coming back. Finally , Shabbos I was having a hard time falling asleep (always a danger zone) and After trying a few times to change thoughts, I succumbed and stred thinking about scenes from the past.I do not know how long but it was definitely longer then it should have been. I simply lacked the mental willpower to keep fighting after such a hard week. It happened again after shabbos. I actually came very close to masturbating from these thoughts. The only reason I did not was because somehow I found the mental strength to keep to my commitment not to move my hand near that area... courtesy of the chizuk I get from you guys on GYE.
Afterward I felt ( and still do ) terrible for my fall. Once again started the think vs feel argument. ( see my last post). I have to figure out a way to maintain the strength and willpower to keep confronting this YH. He is not giving up so I can not back down. The problem is that I find it very difficult to imagine about the great reward and benefits from keeping up when I am in one of these huge urges. It just does not talk to me. All I can think about is how much I desire......
The only thing I was able to come up with was the following: It is true that I can not currently find any joy in this fight. It is one long never ending battle of suppressing my desires. I currently have not managed to internalize TBOTG strategy or any other strategy for that matter. BUt maybe there is another way. That is to find something unrelated to this struggle that I can take pride in. With this it would give me an overall better feeling going in to this fight. I would think something like you are good at that, special at that. You can not fall in these things. Or the very least it would put me a better mood to fight with. This of course would not make the urge any easier but at least put me in a better frame of mind to keep at it.
Warning: Spoiler!Problem is I can not think of anything that would give me that pride right now. Will keep thinking
I feel terrible about my second fall (or slip in GYE terms) in a week. (The war of being a failure vs success with a slip is ongoing as usual) Maybe with this mindset I can make amends to preserve the willpower going forward.
If anyone has any other ideas, I would love to hear. ( I know
SHEM posted something really insightful earlier about this but would love to hear more eitzos)
Right now I just feel like screaming