Oh R' jolly, thanks for comforting me, I've always thought that only
"I" am crazy, but now I see I've succeeded in making others crazy as well, so now I'm no more alone.
This post is what they call the "GYE user's dream" there's so much in this that we all dream about, 1) yes we will struggle forever (possibly), the YH never gives up, but we can stand up to him and against our will, do something, or say something {like telling your wife to make sure the filter is working, before using it yourself} that is beneficial for our
STRIVING in inyanei kedusha, 2) the support system you've managed to build for yourself, is also something everyone here dreams about, to ensure they can also STRIVE to kill this beast.
Thank you so much for this post, you've inspired me, you're an inspiration for everyone reading your story, seeing where you're coming from, to where you currently are, and it'll be an inspiration to everyone who's going to read this in the years to come.
With love and hope to keep making you crazy, Akiva