Feel free to say hi. My email is 1gimpelovitz@gmail.com
Feel free to say hi. My email is 1gimpelovitz@gmail.com
You can win the fight, but I'll have to live with the loser.
Any excuse you use for yourself, you must be willing to use for your wife. Not Always can I understand others, but I can always respect their wishes. You're human, it's okay. One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other. |
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com
My threads: Lessons Learned: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/335248-Lessons-Learned My Story and G-d Bless GYE: guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/303036-My-story-and-G-d-bless-GYE |
Feel free to say hi. My email is 1gimpelovitz@gmail.com
"The best filter is the one you don't test"-Dov
Dov talks audio library: guardyoureyes.com/tools/kosher-isle/shiurim/category/dov-s-recovery-talks My Introduction: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/412126-Me |
I didn't believe I could be clean
Until I actually got clean. If I can do it, you can too! 845 445 9131 odyossefchai613@gmail.com |
Thanks to gye, I turned my life around.
Warning: Spoiler! Trying to get something out of p or m is like trying to find something in this spoiler Warning: Spoiler! or this one Warning: Spoiler! |
Feel free to say hi. My email is 1gimpelovitz@gmail.com
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com
My threads: Lessons Learned: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/335248-Lessons-Learned My Story and G-d Bless GYE: guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/303036-My-story-and-G-d-bless-GYE |