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Yearning for Serenity
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TOPIC: Yearning for Serenity 7741 Views

Re: Yearning for Serenity 01 Dec 2020 12:20 #358004

  • yeshivaguy
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Rebuild613 wrote on 01 Dec 2020 10:35:
But G-D why do my brothers over here have to suffer by listening to my complaints??  They deserve a better day.

When I hear are the tzaros and torment you’ve endured yet you still yearn for Dveikus with the Eibishter, that lifts me up and gives me hope.
We aren’t suffering here buddy.
We are currently being uplifted and inspired by a genuine Eved HaShem.
I don’t have much to say in regards to the first part of your post, and I’m sure the chevra here will.
But I can assure you, hearing from you inhances my day and life, 
because Im gaining a glimpse into the world of a true Mevakesh HaShem.

With much admiration,

Last Edit: 01 Dec 2020 13:53 by yeshivaguy.

Re: Yearning for Serenity 01 Dec 2020 14:47 #358009

  • wilnevergiveup
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Rebuild613 wrote on 01 Dec 2020 10:35:
...But i need to communicate with you guys because when i daven should it be the regular tefilah or Theilim, i must tell you my real feelings, i feel i am davening to a wall, i am still davening 3 times a day but on Tehilim i gave up, i have heard in the past that if i would've pray'd a little bit more so everything would be okay, like the famous vort that if Moshe rabeinu would've daven one more tefilah כמנין ואתחנן he would've entered eretz yisroel, 
It doesn't motivate me any more.

It's interesting that you mention ואתחנן, I actually wrote something about this that was bothering me for a while. You can see it here

About tefillah in general, if I may ask, what is your  tachlis in davening, what do you expect to happen/feel?

You can ask yourself, do you feel like Avraham Avinu felt when he was davening a hopeless tefillah to save Sedom? Did Avraham feel like he was talking to a wall? Why or why not?

The answer to this may be enlightening.

Please keep on inspiring us!
Check out My Thread and The Truth

(עשה רצונו כרצונך (אבות,ב:ד

Feel free to email me  wilnevergiveupgye@gmail.com

Re: Yearning for Serenity 01 Dec 2020 23:20 #358040

  • Rebuild613
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Demolished is my real name
Fool is my middle name
Last Edit: 01 Apr 2021 12:25 by Rebuild613. Reason: I'm gone

Re: Yearning for Serenity 02 Dec 2020 05:14 #358073

  • wilnevergiveup
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Here is something that I wrote for parshas Vayeira (I never finished editing it so it's still a little choppy and rhetoric).

In parshas Vayeira, Hashem tells Avraham about his plans to destroy Sedom. Avraham then pleads with Hashem to Sedom from destruction. His tefillah is one of the greatest tefillos of all time. Avraham challenges the justice of Hashem, asking how could Hashem destroy the cities. Maybe there were ten tzadikim in each one and in their merit the cities should be saved. How can Hashem destroy the tzaddik together with the rashah that would be injustice.

When told that there weren't ten tzadikim in each city, Avraham didn’t give up. He challenged  Hashem again, maybe there were nine and that was enough, maybe eight.

Some even explain that the reason why Hashem told Avraham in the first place was to hear his tefillos.

The question is that we know that in the end Sedom was destroyed. What then happened to all those tefillos, did they all go to waste? What was the point of them if they didn’t even accomplish their task?

If this is true that Avraham’s tefillos went unanswered, how should this make us feel about our own tefillos?

In school they teach us not to worry no tefillos are lost, Hashem saves each and every one for a later time. Does this mean that I am davening sso that Hashem should save my tefillos? But I want my tefillos to work for me now, to save me from my current troubles, shouldn’t my tefillos work to give me what I am asking for? 

The answer is that we are making a mistake about the avodah of tefillah.

We go through life with master plans about what we want to do or are planning to accomplish. When something gets in the way of our predetermined life plan it seems to be an obstacle. We then turn to Hashem to solve our problems and get upset when He doesn’t follow our plans.

With this logic, things that go according to the way we want then to go, mean that Hashem is listening to us and maybe He even deserves to have us do a good deed or two. If on the other hand things don’t fall into place the way we want, we get upset and angry at Hashem. How could he destroy my plans, how could He cause me so much anguish, does He not want me to succeed?

The answer is that of course He does, but we need to clarify what it means to succeed. We are in this world to serve our Creator, to reveal His glory by removing the evil from ourselves. The more we remove ourselves from the vanities and fleeting pleasures of this world, the closer we will be to removing evil. We only have a limited number of years to live and during that time only a limited amount of energy. Anything spent on pursuing the pleasures of this world is that much less available to be spent on spiritual needs. It goes even further than this. The more we invest in this life, the more we are making this temporary world important to us. By pursuing the vanities of this world we are showing that it is more important to invest in short term gains at the expense of long term ones. It’s either one or the other, you just can’t have both. You cannot value physical pursuits and at the same time value the spiritual ones, one takes away from the other, whichever one you give your time and effort, it’s at the expense of the other. 

With this in mind, it follows that the avodah of tefillah cannot be purely to get what we want from Hashem, after all, what we want is most likely not even good for us unless it is our spiritual desires. Now it makes sense why Hashem doesn’t give us everything that we ask for. This is because He really does love us and does for us only what is really going to help us reach our spiritual needs. It’s more than “it’s all for the best”, It must be clear that something that we want purely to fulfil our desires will most likely make our avodas Hashem more difficult. In order to grow we need to learn to live with not getting everything that we want and learn to live with less. We will be happier and ultimately be more successful in what really matters.

If all this is true, what then is the purpose of tefillah?

One of the peshatim that is said is that when we daven, we are acknowledging that whatever it is that we are asking for is completely out of our hands and in the hands of Hashem. We are making ourselves aware that Hashem is the kol yachol, and that He can do whatever he wants. We then can reach the level of clarity that whether it goes the way I want it or not it’s the will of Hashem. We understand that Hashem could make it go either way and it’s in His power to turn things around if that is what He sees fit. We use tefillah as a way of connecting to Hashem and strengthening our emunah and bitachon.

With this understanding of tefillah, we see that there is no such thing as a tefillah that goes to waste. Even a tefillah that wasn’t answered the way we wanted still accomplished the most important aspect of tefillah and that is becoming closer to Hashem.

Although Hashem does save tefillos for later times, nothing can change the level of closeness reached through the actual tefillos. When Avraham Avinu davened, he was literally speaking to Hashem (getting real time answers) and connecting. Even if they didn’t work for what he had wanted, the connection, the trying to understand Hashem’s ways, the growing and becoming closer are still there.

This was a thought that I had on the parsha, please let me know what you think.
Check out My Thread and The Truth

(עשה רצונו כרצונך (אבות,ב:ד

Feel free to email me  wilnevergiveupgye@gmail.com
Last Edit: 02 Dec 2020 05:16 by wilnevergiveup.

Re: Yearning for Serenity 14 Dec 2020 04:34 #358637

  • yeshivaguy
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Hey buddy how you been?

Re: Yearning for Serenity 14 Dec 2020 06:52 #358650

  • Rebuild613
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Demolished is my real name
Fool is my middle name
Last Edit: 01 Apr 2021 12:26 by Rebuild613. Reason: I'm gone

Re: Yearning for Serenity 14 Dec 2020 06:59 #358651

  • yeshivaguy
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I’m sorry to hear that.
Perhaps if you share with us your struggles we may together work on making things better?
We all care so so much about you. We need you

Re: Yearning for Serenity 14 Dec 2020 10:30 #358653

  • Rebuild613
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Demolished is my real name
Fool is my middle name
Last Edit: 31 Mar 2021 09:29 by Rebuild613. Reason: I'm gone

Re: Yearning for Serenity 14 Dec 2020 14:06 #358657

  • grant400
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Rebuild613 wrote on 14 Dec 2020 10:30:
I hate being labeled as a complainer, i therefore refrained from posting.
It's been very difficult lately for me, this morning i was up at 2:00am deep in my thoughts lots of sadness etc. suddenly the phone notifies me of a email received it was none other than a fellow brother @GYE  asking how i am doing.
Never underestimate the nuclear power of a good word AT THE RIGHT TIME
(to be continued)

My friend! My dearest Rebuild!

How many times do we have to reiterate that we want to hear your complaints?!?

Which one of us joined GYE to hear nice and sweet things, and see people being miraculously healed, and to dance in a meadow full of roses? (Those guys post and then leave).

Didn't we all join to come together as a group who have been fighting these urges our entire life, and could use some ideas and chizuk, and the camaraderie this brotherhood has to offer?

Isn't that chizuk and camaraderie felt through all of us venting our frustrations, ranting and raving, sharing our ideas and experiences, falls and wins?

Why do you feel like we don't want to hear every word if complaint? (That is what we login to hear every day/night!)

Message to awesome you:






Oh yeah, and one more thing. SHARE EVERYTHING!!!!!


P.S. SHARE!!!!!!

Re: Yearning for Serenity 14 Dec 2020 17:08 #358667

  • Rebuild613
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Demolished is my real name
Fool is my middle name
Last Edit: 31 Mar 2021 09:30 by Rebuild613. Reason: I'm gone

Re: Yearning for Serenity 14 Dec 2020 17:17 #358668

  • grant400
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Rebuild613 wrote on 14 Dec 2020 17:08:

I am so agitated right now I simply do not have the patience to write, but one point can not be pushed off

I assume that the vast majority over here do not struggle with ssa but I feel comfortable enough discussing it over here because my fellow brothers over here are wise enough to validate someone else’s pain even without fully understanding the exact nature of the struggle.

It is irrelevant right now as of why?  But my main issue is with ssa and from time to time there comes a wave of thoughts/images/imaginations etc. especially when I am down and that is what is going on the last few days.

I feel for you bro, I really do.

Just a thought. We all now lust is lust. It's the key to all these struggles no matter which avenue it chooses to rear its ugly head.

Why are you feeling frustrated over which particular way you are feeling lustful? Who cares where the urge comes from? It's all dealt with the same way, and that is rewiring our brains to understand that we don't have to pay attention to it. Knowing we can completely ignore it and continue on with our life.

So, continue with what you are doing and stop feeling guilty or different over your specific temptations.

Just my humble understanding.


Re: Yearning for Serenity 14 Dec 2020 17:45 #358671

  • Rebuild613
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Demolished is my real name
Fool is my middle name
Last Edit: 31 Mar 2021 09:30 by Rebuild613. Reason: I'm gone

Re: Yearning for Serenity 14 Dec 2020 17:57 #358675

  • grant400
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Rebuild613 wrote on 14 Dec 2020 17:45:

Hi Grant

I find this struggle to have 2 aspects, having the urge and do not pay attention to it and continue with our lives etc. that is not so far of an issue as of the other aspect that when I am down it emerges with force and hijacks my brain. Now causes to get depressed are unfortunately many.

Any thoughts on this one?

What can I say? That is very normal. You can see that all over this forum. When we are down/stressed/angry etc. we want to feel good and additionally we almost feel entitled to the enjoyment we can get. (At least that's the way I feel). We have less of a fight in us. (ColinColin posts about it constantly).

But at the end of the day, as long as we realize this we can be prepared for it. We can deal with the urges the same as always. Yes, its harder but nothing changed. The better we fight and the faster we accept the fact that we are still not giving in, the faster the urges/ obsession caused by them will dissipate. At least that's my personal experience.

 So instead of getting frustrated and feeling overwhelmed, just continue doing what you're doing and hopefully you're feelings will slowly go away.

Re: Yearning for Serenity 14 Dec 2020 18:06 #358678

  • yeshivaguy
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I agree with @grant400. 
Though it’s important to look for things to make one happier. Obviously, as you’ve mentioned in the past, you have many many reasons to be unhappy. We must now find reason for you to BE happy.

Ill also suggest, though take it with a grain of salt since I lmaaseh don’t know you, that if you are experiencing particularly dark feelings of depression, seeing a psychiatrist may help immensely.
Just a daily pill can make a big difference (and b’chlall, certain forms of trauma (of which you’ve mentioned) greatly increases the probability of developing true clinical depression.
Its Gehenom. But it can be dealt with.
Again, only if that’s something you are experiencing.

Also as far as the SSA is concerned, there are individuals here on the site who may be able to help.
Last Edit: 14 Dec 2020 18:07 by yeshivaguy.

Re: Yearning for Serenity 14 Dec 2020 18:10 #358680

  • excellence
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YeshivaGuy wrote on 14 Dec 2020 18:06:
Also as far as the SSA is concerned, there are individuals here on the site who may be able to help.

There is a special thread that deals with ssa. Have you checked there?
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Are you sure?
