Yerushalmi wrote on 17 Mar 2018 18:33:
I think that I opened up a sore topic for some, so I will explain what I meant.
For some people having a label or a diagnosis place on them is an excuse that allows them to continue their misbehavior. I can't stop watching porn, because I am an addict. I can't fix myself, because I am an addict.
For some people a proper label or diagnosis is just the thing that they need to spur them into action!
Ready to Stop, whatever tactic works for you, is the one that you should choose. If you can stop this behavior without your ever having gotten a clear answer if you are an addict or not, does that not render the question moot? You are going to a therapist, and that is absolutely heading in the right direction. Eventually, you will have to stop your acting out. If you have the tools at your disposal to do that, then do it. I don't think that there is a need to overly focus on the technical definition of an addict and if it applies to you, The main thing is to stop. If you can do that, then whether or not you were once an addict isn't really important!
The encouragement of the group here, is also a very powerful tool at your disposal. Post whenever you feel down, a weakening, or in need of inspiration. If you find it hard to open up (like I do), then send private messages to people (also what I do).
Keep up the good work. Be prepared psychologically for a hard fight, but it's a very winnable fight!
wheres that 5 karma button?!