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TOPIC: Summer 1273 Views

Summer 24 May 2017 16:25 #314039

  • eyes
  • Current streak: 138 days
  • Gold Boarder
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Dear GYE Friends,
Baruch Hashem I am married with 2 Children Ba"h. 
I was attending college and I had to do research on a topic about women which got to masterbate a few times. Baruch Hashem since then I've been very good. I downloaded a filter on my computer which is BH very helpful. However, the issue starts again in the summer when I need to go shopping or walking form place to place and people are dressed very exposed and there is no way to run away from it. 
I dont go anywhere specific that has these people, its just going shopping for food and things like that. 
does anyone have any suggestions for me? I'm working very hard to keep my eyes where they should be, but does anyone have any suggestions for me?


Re: Summer 24 May 2017 16:43 #314042

you are like every other human being, nothing wrong, and you have to work on that, not an easy task, but you will get used to it.
just think about Hashem's wonders you can find all over the street, starting from the clouds, tree's, humans, animals, how gasoline makes cars moving, kids jumping around all over, and many many more, they will distract you from the lust of the street.
Keep it up, stay strong, stay clean
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להטות לבבנו אליו ללכת בכל דרכיו ולשמר מצותיו וחקיו ומשפטיו אשר צוה את אבתינו
כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעה"ז הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעמד בניסיון,  והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח ויישוב הדעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת מסילת ישרים
Last Edit: 24 May 2017 16:44 by Shivisi_Hashem.

Re: Summer 24 May 2017 22:46 #314071

  • trouble
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 874
  • Karma: 225
Winter is tough.
A little exposed skin drives me crazy.
When they are all mostly naked, I can be better prepared.
In the cold, a burkaless face drives me bananas.
i'm all about that (substantial) bass, no trouble ....

if you're looking for trouble, you can email me @trouble69gye@outlook.com
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