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TOPIC: I am new here... 2116 Views

Re: I am new here... 26 Apr 2013 22:22 #206056

  • hopefull
  • Junior Boarder
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If you dont think you handle it maybe find a new job . You are better off poor but with a happy familly than well to do but misrable

Re: I am new here... 26 Apr 2013 23:57 #206065

  • tryingtoshteig
  • Current streak: 115 days
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hopefull wrote:
If you dont think you handle it maybe find a new job . You are better off poor but with a happy familly than well to do but misrable

Maybe this isn't the best job for you.

People, people, don't get carried away! Let me try to clarify...

When I was fired from my internship about a year and a half ago, I was very upset, and so was my wife. However, there were 2 "silver linings" that I saw in that situation --
a) This was the first time that anyone else learned of my problem, and I could begin to share my feelings and struggles with my wife, rebbe, therapist, and start working towards a "solution." There were still no guarantees that the same problem would not come back in the future, but at least it was out in the open.
b) The internship that I had was not my ideal job. I did not like the commute, I was not such a fan of the company, etc.

The job I have now (which I have been at for about 2 months, [I hope I am not giving away too many self-identifying details here:oops: ]) is a good job by any standard and I could not ask for, or even imagine, a better job for myself. Good commute, good company, good salary, good benefits, good hours, good opportunities for advancement, there is even a workplace mincha minyan in the neighborhood! Furthermore, my wife has been anxious to cut down her hours and spend be able to spend more time at home taking care of our kids, housework, errands, etc. We both had been nervous throughout my job-hunting career (of about 2 years) that how would I be able to get a normal job with the record I had, and how would I be able to hold down another job and not run in to the same old problem as last time?

Nevertheless, HKB"H in his infinite mercy and kindness found be this PERFECT JOB where I am now. Not only that, but I don't how much time you have ever spent scouring careerbuilder.com, monster.com, _______jobs.com, networking with other people in your field, but it can be agonizing, exhausting, and quite frustrating. I received a phone call one day a couple of months ago, totally out of the blue, from someone in a company that I had emailed months ago (now he's my boss), that went something like this:

Him: Hello, is this (my name)?
Me: Yes?...
Him: Hi this is John Doe from XYZ company. We have your resume on file that you sent us several months ago. Are you still looking for an entry-level _____ job in ______(city)?
Me: Yes that's exactly what I am looking for.
Him: OK, Can you look over this file I am sending you and I am going to test you on it on a phone interview tomorrow?

The end of the story was that before I could say "GuardYourEyes" I had myself a job. (If you are not in the job-hunting parshah, let me tell you that the process can schlep on for weeks or month, between applying, scheduling and waiting for responses for phone interviews, more phone interviews, in-person interviews, etc.) The background check, in my case the scariest part, went off without a hitch.
!חסדי ד' כי לא תמנו
הטוב כי לא כלו רחמיך

So to be clear, I am not miserable at my job, and want to keep my job, and be productive at my job, and keep my taharah, and be מקדש שם שמים הן ביחיד והן ברבים every day. If When I do that, I will have a happy family, a happy wife, normal kids, a clear conscience, a good parnassa, a lasting teshuvah, and a happy life in olam habah (all of the above בסייעתא דשמיא). I am not about to throw in the towel and say "I am a good-for-nothing lustaholic who can't even keep a job, so I may as well stay in bed all day and let my wife work full-time, or maybe if I'm lucky I can scrub toilets for a living." Then nobody wins.

All I am looking for is a little help in establishing a rigorous structure for myself so I don't get lost in the imaginary world of the Yeitzer Harah and forget all of the above. But I don't want to take my schedule casually, because there is too much at stake. And again I want to emphasize that I have been CLEAN for the past week, just a little bored. It's just that to continue my journey, I need to keep adding more tools to my toolbox, or weapons to my arsenal, depending on which mashal you like better. The Y"H is a professional and to succeed in fighting him, we need to be just as professional and constantly reevaluate our strategies.

OK, I've said enough, what do you say???

p.s. I did bring a Chumash and an Orchos Tzadikim I just need to pull them out and use them on a regular basis.
"ויעזור ויגן ויושיע לכל החוסים בו ונאמר אמן" -- ArtScroll Gabbai's Handbook

Re: I am new here... 27 Apr 2013 00:05 #206067

  • gibbor120
  • Platinum Boarder
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Thank you for clarifying. Yes, we shoudn't all quit our jobs just because we can get a bit bored at work. I have the same problem (only probably worse than you) and it can be very difficult when things are slow... another reason I thank Hashem for GYE... and stories about giraffes... . It keeps me busy.

Re: I am new here... 13 Jul 2013 00:07 #212040

  • tryingtoshteig
  • Current streak: 115 days
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Just curious,

It looks like I just graduated from "Fresh boarder" to "Junior Boarder." Does anyone know the the סדר הדברים is for these heilege madreigos (Gold, Platinum, Expert, etc.) What comes after Junior, it's Moderator, right?

If I would have known that I was going to be zoiche to aza maileh today, I would have planned a siyum. The minhag is to make siyumim during the nine days, right? I was not even mechavein to be mesayem during the 9 days, so it should be fine, no?

I will leave it to the Boarders who have much more seniority than me to come up with an appropriate menu for such a simcha.
"ויעזור ויגן ויושיע לכל החוסים בו ונאמר אמן" -- ArtScroll Gabbai's Handbook

Re: I am new here... 13 Jul 2013 01:42 #212043

  • inastruggle
  • Current streak: 26 days
  • Platinum Boarder
  • the picture is shimshon hagibor. not st. mary....
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Fresh Boarder Min Posts 0
Junior Boarder Min Posts 20
Senior Boarder Min Posts 40
Expert Boarder Min Posts 80
Gold Boarder Min Posts 160
Platinum Boarder Min Posts 320

Moderator comes when you ask guard (the head honcho here) to become one.Moderators have the ability to, and are supposed to edit any posts that are deemed to be either spam, too explicit, or not abiding with the rules.

Siyums are serious things but hakol modeh that you must make a l'chaim on woodford before after and during the siyum.
Last Edit: 13 Jul 2013 01:43 by inastruggle. Reason: IT'S BOARDER NOT BORDER YOU SHLEMAZEL

Re: I am new here... 14 Jul 2013 06:45 #212060

  • skeptical
  • Moderator
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...although the ranks go towards how much one posts, the most important thing is quality, not quantity.
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