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Where I'm at
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A platform of recovery for Jews who find themselves struggling with addictions to pornography, masturbation or other sexual problems. Post anonymously about your struggles without fear of anyone finding out who you are. Ask questions, post answers and be inspired! Get tips and guidance from the experts who moderate this forum, as well as from fellow strugglers.

TOPIC: Where I'm at 48351 Views

Re: Where I'm at 17 Sep 2009 06:10 #18623

  • sturggle
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1706
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Uri wrote on 17 Sep 2009 05:35:

and this is exactly why i dont go on the girls threads anymore
guard please delete these posts when u come on...

Uri, chill man. Not all your posts need to be golden words of flakiness in order to remain here.
We love you for you. Don't go a hiding.
And these posts are great. I think Guard might just be jealous he missed the party.
He seems to be a real party monger, isn't that right, R' Guard?
Last Edit: by mbd.

Re: Where I'm at 17 Sep 2009 06:34 #18642

  • Momo
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1288
  • Karma: 3

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. May you continue to have a refua shleima.

I'm very happy for you that you "tasted" HaShem and felt His presence. It's very important to post your feelings now, in order to inspire us, and so that you can go back and read them in the future.

I find that HaShem gives this feeling to us as a gift WHEN WE NEED IT THE MOST. You really needed Divine inspiration, and He gave it to you, because He loves you!

You are so right about the fact that we can fill our vessel with HaShem only AFTER we first empty it of the garbage that we put in there first (like our egos and the porn). There is no room for both.
Last Edit: by m..

Re: Where I'm at 17 Sep 2009 11:11 #18676

  • habib613
Uri wrote on 17 Sep 2009 05:35:

and this is exactly why i dont go on the girls threads anymore
guard please delete these posts when u come on...

ok, ok, i'm sorry. I was tired.
just say the word and i'll delete my posts now.
Last Edit: by guardusall.

Re: Where I'm at 17 Sep 2009 11:32 #18684

  • jerusalemsexaddict
Okay several things all going on different points so theyll be seperate posts...

First of all,I was informed today that an old post of mine (on page 13,post number 187 i think) has misled a few to believe that i struggle with homosexual tendencies.
I spoke about being intimate with a close friend.
That "friend" that i was referring to was Lust.
I didn't realize that I was misleading people by that.
I figured since Guard automatically chapped it that it was pashut to all.
Not that I'm judging anyone who struggles with these things....


Anyway,good day all...
(runs out)
Last Edit: by human.

Re: Where I'm at 17 Sep 2009 11:34 #18685

  • Momo
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1288
  • Karma: 3
Uri wrote on 17 Sep 2009 11:32:

First of all,I was informed today that an old post of mine (on page 13,post number 187 i think) has misled a few to believe that i struggle with homosexual tendencies.
I spoke about being intimate with a close friend.
That "friend" that i was referring to was Lust.
I didn't realize that I was misleading people by that.
I figured since Guard automatically chapped it that it was pashut to all.

If it makes you feel any better, I understood what you meant right away. 
Last Edit: by guttenhimmel.

Re: Where I'm at 17 Sep 2009 11:43 #18686

  • jerusalemsexaddict
Next post....

Okay,we are very familydik(add that word to the list here on GYE
And that's prompted some members of our forum to start search parties every time someone leaves to pick up a coffee or use the bathroom
(i personally call sturggle.
Yea Uri?
I gotta use the bathroom!
Yea im sorry.Ive been drinking alot cause of my fever.
Its allright.Just make it quick.And take the GYE hall pass with you.
O and Uri..
When we speak on the phone or in person or whatever,you don't have to call me sturggle.You can just call me my real name.In fact,it's a little weird to have you calling my house and asking for sturggle.
Sure thing,Strugs....
Struggle sighs...)

Anyway back to my point.
GYE is amazing.
We all are addicted for various reasons.
Some of the main ones are that:
1)we need to unload our pain and frustration
2)tzaras rabim.....(forget the rest)
3)alot of awesome people on the forum (and a really good singer)

And it's an escape too.
And for many of us,if not all of us,our recovery partly lies in starting to live.
Outside of our fantasy world.
In the real world.
And therefore people will be leaving the forum for periods.
And we must give them their space.
This might come out a little harsh but....
our lives (except for guard) are not GYE
even guards is not.
he has a family.
i know.
im his son.
Just kidding.
But really,we must give people their space.
This is really important.
People can pop in every few days if they want,even if they were pounding the forum for a month straight.
You can send an email after a few days asking how theyre doing if you want.
But lets all give each other some space.
To live life.


p.s. i know im jsut as bad as anybody with this,and im speaking just as much to myself
Last Edit: by ykk5778.

Re: Where I'm at 17 Sep 2009 11:47 #18687

  • Momo
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1288
  • Karma: 3
Uri wrote on 17 Sep 2009 11:43:

our lives (except for guard) are not GYE
even guards is not.
he has a family.
i know.
im his son.
Just kidding.

ROTFL! You are sooo funny Uri!  :D

Also, what you write is 100% true. Thanks for reminding us.
Last Edit: by adigrover.

Re: Where I'm at 17 Sep 2009 11:50 #18688

  • jerusalemsexaddict
And yet another post....

I think also(i love starting posts with that.it makes me feel so important).

Regarding the humor thats been taking GYE by storm(an evergrowing storm)
I think it'll balance out on it's own.
No need to worry.
And humor is very healthy.
I will just point out that there are different types of pple on the forum.
Some(like me and are very serious.
Others (like mevakesh) make you laugh your head off with their jokes.
We need these different types of people,obviously.
But let's give each other their room.
I noticed once or twice these pages of joking rants took over serious threads,even on the wall of honor.
And the guy walks in after a week and is like huh?whats a flake?whats goin on here?
So this is my suggestion:
Feel out where jokes are wanted and can be useful,and where not,and where kinda,and where kinda not,etc...


p.s. i personally dont mind jokes unless they go on forever and are stupid.
Last Edit: by rocketman.

Re: Where I'm at 17 Sep 2009 11:58 #18694

  • habib613
thanks for making me start my day lol ing.
but your right
still... lol
Last Edit: by freplaf878.

Re: Where I'm at 17 Sep 2009 12:25 #18699

  • battleworn
Mom made the shidduch between Hashem and I
the lessons i learnt from her in avodas elokim are priceless jewels
ive never heard the likes of it anywhere before
and ive been by some pretty chashuve people
mom,ever consider becoming a rebbe?

Uri, really great people need a talmid to bring down their message to us plain people. (You can see this for ex. by the Arizal, the Besh't, the Gr"a and R' Nachman among others) Seriously, I think YOU are the one who has the ability to spread Rebitzen 7up's message to everone else! 

You're already doing a fantastic job, keep going michayil el choyil!!!
Last Edit: by supersonic.

Re: Where I'm at 17 Sep 2009 13:03 #18706

1) you've REALLY got talent.
2) can you PROVE that the outside world is real and this is fake?
3) are you sure you are only 20 years old?

Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by growingyid83.

Re: Where I'm at 17 Sep 2009 13:09 #18707

  • jerusalemsexaddict
battleworn wrote on 17 Sep 2009 12:25:

Mom made the shidduch between Hashem and I
the lessons i learnt from her in avodas elokim are priceless jewels
ive never heard the likes of it anywhere before
and ive been by some pretty chashuve people
mom,ever consider becoming a rebbe?

Uri, really great people need a talmid to bring down their message to us plain people. (You can see this for ex. by the Arizal, the Besh't, the Gr"a and R' Nachman among others) Seriously, I think YOU are the one who has the ability to spread Rebitzen 7up's message to everone else! 

You're already doing a fantastic job, keep going michayil el choyil!!!

yup.pretty much every post i write about Hashem (and everything else too) is inspired in large part to her.she is changing my whole view on everything.
thanks mom
Last Edit: by sashaa.

Re: Where I'm at 17 Sep 2009 13:10 #18708

  • jerusalemsexaddict
kutan shel hachabura wrote on 17 Sep 2009 13:03:


2) can you PROVE that the outside world is real and this is fake?


youre right.
clearly in many ways the forum is much much more real than the outside world.
but our life and interactions should take place mainly with people around us through the day.
Last Edit: by thiswillpass770.

Re: Where I'm at 17 Sep 2009 13:13 #18709

  • yechidah
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 4266
  • Karma: 91
Mom can't become a Rebbe

she is one.

Last Edit: by imprayingforyou.

Re: Where I'm at 17 Sep 2009 13:14 #18710

  • jerusalemsexaddict
good point yechida
Last Edit: by letsgo.
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