Thank you to RageATM and guardyoureyes for your support in this crazy experiment ... but special thanks (without sarcasm) to the skeptics and critics for getting ME riled up ... as I said, I've been in a "comfort zone" with this addiction for far too long and I need to fully "rage" against it, as the Gemura Brachos advises. Your pilpul, skepticism and unsolicited poskining is helping me get my "rogez" back! Keep it coming!
I thought of a mashal ...
There was once a boy who, upon being old enough to drive a car, was taught that it is OK to run the occasional red light. Not to run every red light, mind you, just the ones that are inconvenient. So he did just that; he ran red lights when he was in a rush or was just bored of sitting and waiting for the light to change.
Many years later, when he got older, the boy (now a man) had a minor accident after running a red light. The cop on the scene informed him that, in addition to the present incident, cameras had recorded every single red light that he had run in his life, and that he had a stack of unopened tickets piled high to the ceiling. However, the tickets had never been sent, because the city didn't have a forwarding address to send them to. The man pleaded with the cop that he was ignorant of the laws. He thought red lights were like stop signs -- you could go, as no one was in your way. In a moment of grace, the cop let him keep his license, as long as he agreed to pay off the outstanding tickets and follow the law in the future. The man agreed.
Once he had gotten used to the convenience of running red lights, however, the man found it very hard to change. His now guilty conscience and need for speed could not compete with the boredom and tedium of waiting at every red light. He knew that if he got caught again, his license might be permanently revoked. But it was hard to change ...
So I am that reckless driver. When I was in junior high (public school), we were taught by a sex education specialist that being pogem was something normal adults do to relax. I didn't even know what the teacher was talking about at the time, but when I figured it out, it gave me license to be pogem without the slightest guilty feeling.
It wasn't until I was 25 or so that I learned what the Torah says about this aveirah. By that time, I had developed a very difficult habit to break. I think that most of the other details of the mashal can be understood.