sci1977 wrote on 30 Dec 2009 16:07:
To me, my wife is the most beautiful person in the world.
Boruch Hashem, I feel the same way about my wife.
One important point that I think may have been overlooked (correct me if I'm wrong): It's true that external beauty should not be the basis of a relationship and, if it is, there will be serious problems.
However, having said that, there are
many flaws that a husband will be willing to overlook in his wife if he finds her physically attractive. When a wife is being annoying, I suspect that many husbands think (or even say) "You're just lucky that you're so beautiful!" So, in that sense (and, no doubt, in others), the woman's beauty helps promote Shalom Bayis.
BecomeHoly wrote on 30 Dec 2009 12:57:
I think my mom once said that my dad always sees her as she was when she married him - thin and pretty. When he looks at her, thats all he sees... even though she's changed quite a bit since then.
That's very beautiful, and I think it's true: to the extent that a husband doesn't look improperly at other women, he will most likely continue to look at his wife as the woman he was initially attracted to.