OK, let's move this over here, and we can also continue any other discussion from the other thread...the title is mostly because I liked how the first bunch of words kinda rhymed :D
TrYiNg - The original question was based on the lust problem. The continued shidduch discussion was addressing a different issue - how to approach one tiny, yet very complicated facet, of dating.
If I go out with a girl, and she's gorgeous, has a great personality, is smart, and nice, but mentions in passing, "oh, and I serve avodah zarah," then I don't think anyone here is giving a "yes" to date #2. If there's a clear hashkafic issue, most guys don't have trouble saying no. Or if personalities clash, and you just don't get along with your date.
Physical attraction, though, becomes more complicated, on a number of levels. 1) you need to decide if it's something that you might see from a different perspective later on. 2), even if you're sure, it feels rotten to say, "she's perfect in every way, but she's not for me because of the way she looks." Honestly, it just feels wrong - even if I know that hashem is telling me that this girl isn't for me (and by the way, although I have strong opinions, I've only said "no" based on looks once, out of...yeesh, a LOT of dates). 3) You need to decide whether you're not attracted, or if she's not the "type" you've always imagined. Lots of guys never realize this distinction.
And also, we need to face facts - although it's far from being being the most important thing, it's still absolutely essential that a guy IS attracted to his wife - and yet, some guys aren't sure that that's "right."
So discussing this, perhaps especially in this forum, can be important.
Maybe. Or maybe I just like talking. (shrugging emoticon)