Elya K was the first GYE hotline moderator for individuals & couples struggling with Shmiras Eiynaim and betrayal issues in their marriage. Elya is the author of 6 books, among them Navigating the Phases of Sex Addiction Recovery, Help Her Heal with Carol Sheets, Ambushed by Betrayal: The Survival Guide for Betrayed Partners on their Heroes’ Journey to Healthy Intimacy with Michele Saffier.
FREE EBOOK ON THE GYE SITE AT: Mask In the Mirror (guardyoureyes.com) FREE EBOOK "Resentment to Contentment" Elya K. has been coaching and counseling people worldwide for over 10 years for Shmiras Eiyanim, addiction, betrayal trauma and other issues. For a free 15 minute consultation call 901-248-6001. |
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com
My threads: Lessons Learned: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/335248-Lessons-Learned My Story and G-d Bless GYE: guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/303036-My-story-and-G-d-bless-GYE |
Check out My Thread and The Truth
(עשה רצונו כרצונך (אבות,ב:ד Feel free to email me wilnevergiveupgye@gmail.com |
Feel free to contact me privately with any questions or comments here on the GYE private messages or at ezrawrecovery@gmail.com (more likely to respond/see it if you email me directly)
Warning: Spoiler! Looking forward to hearing from you! |
Marbitz torah and communal askan in E Yisroel | 30's | Went to rehab | Avid SA'er
Not perfect yet, but a changed person 180 degrees If you think you know who I am, and want to reach out for further chizzuk, I have nothing to hide in real life and would love to share my ESH with you |
Marbitz torah and communal askan in E Yisroel | 30's | Went to rehab | Avid SA'er
Not perfect yet, but a changed person 180 degrees If you think you know who I am, and want to reach out for further chizzuk, I have nothing to hide in real life and would love to share my ESH with you |