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TOPIC: Inspiring Music 3388 Views

Inspiring Music 19 Jun 2009 08:05 #6679

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 852 days
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Besides for our current Music Page, please post here below any nice music links you have that can inspire people when feeling weak. Here are a few I found discussed on the forum:

www.chasidinews.com/audio/ycsh-hashlech.mp3 - "Gol Al Hashem Darkecha" - is the CORE of the 12-Steps.

www.chasidinews.com/audio/Webber-Beeilokim.mp3 - "Be'elokim Batachti, Lo Irah"
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 19 Jun 2009 08:10 by .

Re: Inspiring Music 21 Jun 2009 20:12 #6887

  • bardichev
avram freids new cd is gevaldigggggggggggggggggggg
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Re: Inspiring Music 26 Jun 2009 09:19 #7451

  • TrYiNg
I know. I luv it too  . Is there any way we can upload inspiring songs to share with everyone? If we could, I'll dedicate the first song to barditchev . "Ribono shel oilam Ich vil mit dir machen a beit".
I love that one.
Last Edit: by mi ani.

Re: Inspiring Music 19 Oct 2009 16:47 #24382

anyone have anything to say about the halachic issues of uploading songs? Is it stealing?

I'm out of sync with the times, so have not kept up on what is going on.

Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by yseyma.

Re: Inspiring Music 19 Oct 2009 17:43 #24413

  • Ineedhelp!!
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I have been told from a very repsectable halachic posek that it would only be stealing if you would buy. For example, imagine i told you that you cant download it, completely assur. Would you go and buy it now that you cant download it? If you buy it then its assur to download but if you wouldnt buy it then its mutar to download. I am sure there are poskim that says its completely assur and poskim hold thats its completely mutar.
Last Edit: by Tzidkusherewecome.

Re: Inspiring Music 04 Nov 2009 22:29 #26945

  • Giant Leap
Ineedhelp!! wrote on 19 Oct 2009 17:43:

I have been told from a very repsectable halachic posek that it would only be stealing if you would buy. For example, imagine i told you that you cant download it, completely assur. Would you go and buy it now that you cant download it? If you buy it then its assur to download but if you wouldnt buy it then its mutar to download. I am sure there are poskim that says its completely assur and poskim hold thats its completely mutar.

I also heard from my Rav, that its against halacha to download music w/o the consent of the artist. One has to actually buy the music/CD or get permission from the artist to download their music w/o pay. I don't know that actual source of halacha to share the info with all of you on the forum. Oh, I just remembered, that I also saw a Halachic statement on a Jewish music CD I bought and on someone's site - i don't remember who exactly it was.

I guess, I had my fair share of downloading music. I downloaded many songs just last night from this site. I forgot the halacha. Once, on my old computer, I had a program that actually rips and takes "open sources" shared music and video. But as soon as I found out that I could download free porn there (before I found out that its against halacha to download music/videos), I quit. Also, people can get viruses from such a program that shares music/videos and my k9 filter is set up to block such sites and programs. My university I attended, is nationally known for having the largest student population to i
llegally download free music/videos. Even had record labels sue or go after some students.:-X

Would it be possible to convince (plead) with a Rav in stating that, what if a person downloads inspiring Jewish music to keep him/herself off of a lust addiction? Maybe there is an exception in such cases? I find myself extremely musically orientated. Music is a daily "drug" that in essence helps me not slip/fall, keeps my spirits up and emotionally ready to serve Hashem. As soon as I drift from listening music, studying, working, davening etc and become alone behind my computer - with an iota of time, I can get sideswiped by the Yetzer -easily.

What do you guys/girls think?

Giant Leap.
Last Edit: 04 Nov 2009 23:00 by yossi 1.

Re: Inspiring Music 04 Nov 2009 23:01 #26954

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 852 days
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I think that if the artists would know how it helps people, and that we only are using one or two songs of theirs, from various CDs (not all from one CD), that they would be HAPPY to let us use it for free... Problem is, how are you gonna ask them? 
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by leahleahleahleah.

Re: Inspiring Music 04 Nov 2009 23:22 #26962

  • Giant Leap
guardureyes wrote on 04 Nov 2009 23:01:

I think that if the artists would know how it helps people, and that we only are using one or two songs of theirs, from various CDs (not all from one CD), that they would be HAPPY to let us use it for free... Problem is, how are you gonna ask them? 

=). I guess email, phone, or fax them? or send a GUE letterhead with a stated purpose (permission to use a song or two to help a person) and then who knows, I'm being ambitious here, someone can even partner up with musicians where they can sponsor/advertise your GUE community on their sites. The goyim musicians to do that. They take a cause (cancer society etc) and sponsor/advertise them on their website. Its caring, philanthropy and good for business.

I know, I'm brainstorming crazy ideas :o but i might just work!
Last Edit: by 1837h.

Re: Inspiring Music 04 Nov 2009 23:30 #26966

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 852 days
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Well, we have a partner gabai and a filter gabai... do you want to be our "Music Gabai"?  :D
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by Blumella.

Re: Inspiring Music 04 Nov 2009 23:48 #26968

  • Giant Leap
guardureyes wrote on 04 Nov 2009 23:30:

Well, we have a partner gabai and a filter gabai... do you want to be our "Music Gabai"?  :D

How does that work? If it will help you, then yes, I need at least something/some way for now, to return the tremendous favor you have done for me in making me get better with this addiction.
Last Edit: by reubenhekmat.

Re: Inspiring Music 05 Nov 2009 12:52 #26984

  • kanesher
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R' Elyashiv holds that anything already on the internet has a din of Na'aseh K'Tzavach ( and hence hefker, even if it was created by a frum artist). I heard that from a collegue who asked him. Many matir much more; I believe even cds are na'aseh k'tzavach.
Last Edit: by MAGA123.

Re: Inspiring Music 24 Dec 2009 11:20 #37635

  • Kollel Guy
kanesher wrote on 05 Nov 2009 12:52:

R' Elyashiv holds that anything already on the internet has a din of Na'aseh K'Tzavach ( and hence hefker, even if it was created by a frum artist). I heard that from a collegue who asked him. Many matir much more; I believe even cds are na'aseh k'tzavach.
Hey, take it easy there!
First of all it's very far from pashut even according to black on white halacha.
Secondly, even according to those (yes the majority) who say it's mutar, there's still an inyan of yashrus.
Having worked with music in the past, I truly believe that if the artist is makpid that his music not be taken for free, if one takes it anyway - he's a menuval birshus ha'torah at best. You wouldn't believe the effort, strain, hope, time, money and emotion that go into ONE SONG!! Let alone a whole album!! For someone to say "Hey, you can't stop me, and it's not assur, so who cares if you don't let? What do you lose anyway huh? " is called real rishus. Mutar or not.
Last Edit: by chelm11.

Re: Inspiring Music 31 Jan 2010 05:55 #49791

  • aryehtahor
  • Gold Boarder
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I like Carlebach, specifically his live album "At the Village Gate". "Sing my Heart" is also very good. It's a powerful YH-killing potion.
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Re: Inspiring Music 31 Jan 2010 05:59 #49794

  • aryehtahor
  • Gold Boarder
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Bardy, which Avraham Fried CD do you recommend most? I'd like to get into his stuff but don't know which one to get.
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Re: Inspiring Music 31 Jan 2010 06:14 #49795


There was a Kolel Guy in EY (no relation to our KG), who went to R Chatzkel asking for hadracha. He could no-longer afford to learn full time, and needed to make a parnassah.But there still was ONE way for him to stay in learning for a few more years. He had some shtick, that although illigal (taxes or something) would enable him to learn for another 4 years.    So R Chatzkel told him, "no you shouldn't do it". Astounded and baffled he 'reiterated' his question, in-case mybe the rav didn't hear him propperly. But Rchatzkey only explained his "psak", "It's not yashar, so you want to learn a krum pshat in the Rambam for another 4 years?"

When we do things that are not yashar, they mess with our sence of yashrus, untill we can't even learn 'strait'. rust me, I have seen idiots push the dumberst line of svarah, AND IT WASN'T EVEN HE SUGYA!!!! They had NOTHING to work with, but they insisted in trying to figure-out a totaly unrelated sugya, from 2 words in this one! And they where missing the boat, in the one at hand! And the worst part, was that they where so blinded, that they couldn't even see what they where doing wrong!!!!!\

No keep your yashrus in check, and be vary carefull about emes (after you work on the SA thing, of corse)
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