Thanks ur-a-jew.
Lots of ups and downs here, I didn’t think any of it was inspiring.
What have I learnt from this recently?
That I turn to pn when I'm down. As I child I was not allowed to express my emotions, so I turned to myself for comfort.
Then there was a yearning. Initially, it was not for intimacy, just for affection. But, probably because of my m* habit, I only tried to find ‘intimacy’.
I had seen so many people for help. So many psychologists. What on earth do these people study that none of them ever managed to identify any of the actual issues? A profession based on getting the customer to come back, and for this they just need to make him feel better, never actually solving his problem or they lose their recurring income.
Or perhaps it’s the patient that never truly opens up? Perhaps it’s the dual personality, and the good guy comes out when you’re in his secure office.
Purim – my ‘party’ is over.
Lots of thoughts going on in my head on this.
Maybe more on this later…