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my battle starts and wages on......
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TOPIC: my battle starts and wages on...... 3836 Views

my battle starts and wages on...... 30 Jun 2009 00:54 #7681

  • needsomehelp
Well I did it…after found this site and read about other people struggling I wiped out all my p*rn TODAY…and i  haven’t  masturbated today at all  it was enough already……I can’t believe how much time it wastes and interferes with someone’s life, job and love of his family …how may thoughts and ideas this junk puts in your mind and makes it seem alright……well today is the start of the new me… no more watching…..i don’t how many of you have blackberry and use blackberry messenger but I had a few females I was talking to I deleted all of them expect for one…..she is a co worker in another building …I need some strength here… should I just leave her  there and not speak to her  or should I just delete her and leave in hashems hands ……she sounds very emotional ….but I need to break all ties …so I can have a clear mind.....so i deleted her...i hope with hashems help  and  will give me strength to conquer all battles
Last Edit: by .

Re: my battle starts and wages on...... 30 Jun 2009 02:13 #7683

  • ChaimChaim
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Hooray! by deleting each & every  bogus ties you are cutting through the strands thYH has tied around you. (see beis medrasg Suka 52) you are making a stronger online connection with the living G-d and his people. May HaShem hear your prayers!
Last Edit: by spiritWarrior.

Re: my battle starts and wages on...... 30 Jun 2009 02:15 #7684

  • needsomehelp
thank you......very much i needed that chaim
Last Edit: by slf93.

Re: my battle starts and wages on...... 30 Jun 2009 06:56 #7711

  • me
Each time you pushed that "delete" button, it gave you the same schar as being Makriv a Korban. The korban being "YOU". You were Makriv yourself to Hashem.
Last Edit: by מתמודד3.

Re: my battle starts and wages on...... 30 Jun 2009 10:45 #7722

  • needsomehelp
the battle plan wages on for the second day !!! and no MB !!!!....so i woke today ....feeling a new found sprituality dont ask him how...maybe that little pray i said when i woke in the middle of the  night and couldnt sleep and having my son sleeping next to me ... i said hashem this stress your causing me i understand ..its the type of tough love not pushiment u want to show me just live by the rules and you have a restful night with no worries or dram no issues........so when i  woke this moring to go  to daven and never really paid attetion to the words in daving ..but my gosh how much is said in borchas to combat the YH i was like wow.... hashem give us the tools ever moring to combat the YH and we never use them instead he use he tools on us to stary and look at things......so after daving i got in the car to go to work and the perfect song came on  Hamelamed Torah  from Yaakov Shwekey i was is hashem telling me something  i dont know.....but driving to work and listing to this song  i dont know what came over me while driving i started to cry i felt the small pipe to hashem become a huge pipe  and felt as hashem open all communications like he removed the stress and saying you have nothing to worry about my son.....just keep on this new found path and i will keep you from all evil and it feels amazing
Last Edit: by nanilimili.

Re: my battle starts and wages on...... 30 Jun 2009 16:22 #7769


Keep on posting!

Your posts are great chizuk to all of us.

Last Edit: by Db.

Re: my battle starts and wages on...... 30 Jun 2009 23:12 #7808

  • needsomehelp
well second day almost done....and what i a great day second day ...free of dram and stress...with hashems help will will take one day at a time and conquer the rest of the days !!!!
Last Edit: by .

Re: my battle starts and wages on...... 01 Jul 2009 03:35 #7817

  • Hoping
  • Gold Boarder
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with hashems help will will take one day at a time and conquer the rest of the days

One day at a time means don't worry about the rest of the days. You have accomplished so much already!

With much admiration,
Last Edit: by ilikeorange613.

Re: my battle starts and wages on...... 01 Jul 2009 03:46 #7820

  • kedusha
  • Current streak: 717 days
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First, a royal welcome to the GYE forum.

I find that staying clean is like breathing fresh air, whereas acting out, while it might seem good at the time (it usually doesn't!), is very suffocating.  Staying clean, one day at a time, will allow you to sleep peacefully, and be at peace with yourself during your waking hours as well.
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
Last Edit: by natip2.

Re: my battle starts and wages on...... 01 Jul 2009 11:23 #7852

  • needsomehelp
Good Moring All,
Day # 3 I got to admit I slept very well last night ...and no MB for the 3rd day !!! bu t i got to admit the YH is trying hard to throwing ideas  into my head this morning ...but i closed my eyes took a deep breath and just relaxed .....it cleared my mind….so this morning when I woke up I felt different for a change closer to hashem felt as though my soul went up to the heavens and got squeezed out by the angels and sent back down all fixed up….with hashem protection throughout the day I feel as we as a group could accomplish  anything …. ….i think there is a part of me that is saying hashem is placing obstacles in front of me but we need to keep jump over them…..
Last Edit: by ysk.

Re: my battle starts and wages on...... 01 Jul 2009 12:00 #7855

  • ChaimChaim
  • Expert Boarder
  • Posts: 126
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Just think of that moment of strength when you took a deep breath -
that was the moment of victory!

To have the presence of mind to be aware of your thoughts, and to choose of your own free will tothink about something else - is your true human power.
Keep your breathing battle going - just one more breath, and the urge will pass, you will be have the space to choose a productive activity.

Last Edit: by Oveid.

Re: my battle starts and wages on...... 01 Jul 2009 12:27 #7859

  • needsomehelp
chaim right on !!!!!well do....i felt as hashem has lifted all the weights that have been hold me down
Last Edit: by ken~321.

Re: my battle starts and wages on...... 01 Jul 2009 14:53 #7879

  • bardichev

my name is bardichev
I am the cheerleader here

if you need some good old fashioned chizzuk

give me a hollar

see you
Last Edit: by .

Re: my battle starts and wages on...... 01 Jul 2009 15:34 #7884

  • needsomehelp
could always use some good old fashioned chizzuk during the day ....to keep it going
Last Edit: by .

Re: my battle starts and wages on...... 01 Jul 2009 15:37 #7885

  • bardichev
the biggest chizzuk is you when you deleted the sewage

you created the biggest kli kibbul for kedusha

hop on the elevator
we are shootng for the stars

even if we miss

we will have tried

keep on smiling
Last Edit: by abc123.
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