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My heart's pounding and I'm sweating
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: My heart's pounding and I'm sweating 6416 Views

Re: My heart's pounding and I'm sweating 18 Jun 2010 22:42 #71410

  • 1daat
  • Current streak: 126 days
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Hey Guys,  Just noticed I haven't posted for a few days.  Been posting to other people's threads.  For all us newbies, there are so many warriors out there to learn from, talk to, share with.  Without you guys I dunno what.  Don't even want to got there.

So day 18.  Time seems to be going slower.  Can't think about 90 days.  It's looking like a mountain too high for me to climb.  So I'm doing what I've learned here.  One day at a time.

Shabbos.  Whew. 

Good Shabbos.  speak to you motzei Shabbos.
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Re: My heart's pounding and I'm sweating 20 Jun 2010 02:26 #71420

  • Dov
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1daat wrote on 18 Jun 2010 22:42:

Can't think about 90 days.
Neither can I. Really. (really really)

You are stupendous!

(how's that for an ending? Too wierd...let me know.)
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: My heart's pounding and I'm sweating 20 Jun 2010 04:40 #71434

  • 1daat
  • Current streak: 126 days
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Dov,Dov, You're still my hero.  This time a month ago, I'd be doing things I don't even want to talk about anymore.  Here I am talking to you.  I hope your Shabbos was a beautiful thing.  Well, actually, ain't it always?  I'm just too busy with Mr. All-about-me to notice sometimes.

Bez"H, onward.  21.  hoping to get through tonight, 22.

How are you.  Really.  [i]Really[i] really?
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Re: My heart's pounding and I'm sweating 20 Jun 2010 05:51 #71442

  • Dov
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Tired, tired, tired.  :-*
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: My heart's pounding and I'm sweating 22 Jun 2010 04:42 #71627

  • 1daat
  • Current streak: 126 days
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I still can't get on the wall for some reason.  So I'll just keep posting here, I guess.  23 days.  It's just everywhere!  It's summer.  Thanks guys.  Halevi76 started me thinking of everyone here at Repfua Shlema (Amida).  What if a whole bunch of us were doing that?
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Re: My heart's pounding and I'm sweating 22 Jun 2010 05:19 #71631

  • Dov
  • Administrator
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"just can't get on the wall" - do you mean, 1daat, that your computer keeps sending you a message that "Connection Failed: the server at GYE is too busy", or somethging like that? That has been happening for me for about a week now and it is very frustrating. Clarify my brain please - I know pitifully little about these things. Thanks,

- Dov
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: My heart's pounding and I'm sweating 22 Jun 2010 21:39 #71717

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 805 days
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1daat, this board is for "introducing ourselves"... The "Wall of Honor" board is for the log of the 90 day journey... I think you're ready to start a thread there, no? 
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: My heart's pounding and I'm sweating 23 Jun 2010 04:12 #71770

  • 1daat
  • Current streak: 126 days
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When I try to log on to the wall, the place where it says to put in your username it says the username should be the same as the username on the forum.  So when I put in "1daat" as my username I get back the error msg that that username is already in use.  I'm sure I'm doing something that falls a little short of brilliant, but any help, even "yukyuk" would be great.  Thanks.
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Re: My heart's pounding and I'm sweating 23 Jun 2010 14:02 #71820

  • briut
  • Current streak: 3 days
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I'm not sure about the technical issues of signing up for The Count on The Wall, but I'm pretty sure that the "Wall of Honor" threads of the Forum can handle a discussion thread that's separate from the Wall.

(Example: I'm NOT signed up on the wall, but I DO put all my posts onto my WOH thread.)

You could start a new thread called "1daat's Journey" or something and just say "hi; I moved here from the Introduce Yourself thread cause I'm already introduced." See what happens.

Just a thought....
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Re: My heart's pounding and I'm sweating 29 Jun 2010 02:23 #72469

  • 1daat
  • Current streak: 126 days
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30 days.  I feel like the yh is getting a foothold.  Nearly a month it hasn't much bothered me.  The compulsion feelings weren't unmanageable.  Now I start to notice the rush of fire in my chest a little.  Few times a day.  I do what I've learned here to do so I don't linger most of the time (is lingering a fall?). 

I'm trying to get out of the problem and into the solution--Not speed davening Shacharis, and davening Mincah not at the last minute.  Mikvah for Shabbos.  Little things.  But better wrestle with those difficulties and keep the yh attacking me on those fronts.  Is this bad logic?

I want to thank, again, everyone for all the help and support.  Coming out of hiding and isolation has helped enormously. 
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Re: My heart's pounding and I'm sweating 29 Jun 2010 07:28 #72482

  • Haleivi76
  • Current streak: 1126 days
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1daat my dear dear friend,

I want you to know that I'm with you all the way. Having someone like you to look up to is truly an inspiration. I am now just 19 days and already I feel that burning. You are awesome for making it to 30 and may you fly through to 90 on the wings of an eagle.

Today in London, H" has sent us a Brocho. I suppose all my teffilos over the past week have helped - maybe? You see, it is raining today and so all the streetwalkers are covered up and finally I get some respite - watching where I look is harder than doing my job! I think your ideas are great. Play the Y'H at his own game. He is constantly on your case to make you push your boundaries (in the wrong direction). What you are doing is pushing them in the right direction and that is sure to hurt him, he is now fighting you on a front that is far removed from where he wants it to be. How can he convince you to act out, when you are being a much shtarker yid and learning chassidus in the morning early, fighting for kavono in your tefillos, mikva before Shabbos. Soon he may just give up on you altogether (if only).

Just beware, the harder you fight him, the sneakier he will be, so remain vigilant. When you see evidence of him trying to trip you up, know that it is the desperate actions of a desperate Y'H trying everything he can because he knows he has all but lost the war.

Be shtark, be proud of the 30 and if you need me, just shout and I'll come running,

Kol tuv,

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Re: My heart's pounding and I'm sweating 30 Jun 2010 03:10 #72600

  • 1daat
  • Current streak: 126 days
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Halevi, Halevi, my friend, my reliable friend.  Each day you add reminds me of my little boy when he was about four, balancing himself on a post.  When I turned around and saw him I said, "Look at you!".  And he said, "Aren't I amazing".

Aren't you amazing!

Please, no more with the "just" 19 days.  Aren't we all balancing on our own posts   Aren't you amazing?

A guy once said to me, "G-d makes of each life a separate experiment, and we are not to compare experiments."

You have me thinking in a new way.  "he is now fighting you on a front that is far removed from where he wants it to be."  Thanks for that.

So He sends rain! In Summer!  Hashgacha Pratis or what!!!

I'm going over to your thread to see what's up.

From one shtarker to another.  With thanks and glick
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Re: My heart's pounding and I'm sweating 02 Jul 2010 19:16 #72881

  • 1daat
  • Current streak: 126 days
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Hi Guys,  moved to WOH and Breaking free forums per Guard's suggestion.
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