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Please, please G-d may this be the first step...
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 10206 Views

Re: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 09 Jun 2010 04:07 #69621

  • Dov
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Dobranotz, Nevermore.  ;D
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 09 Jun 2010 10:04 #69642

  • 7yipol
  • Current streak: 3 days
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Poor Jamie
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
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Re: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 09 Jun 2010 13:39 #69657

  • briut
  • Current streak: 3 days
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Sheva v'kum: What do you mean, poor Jamie.
Poor Jamie that he has to keep resetting the count, and is finding it challenging?
Or, poor Jamie that we keep hijacking his thread?

Oh, whoops, that would be me.

Jamie, forgive me. Get back to work. You're doing fine, even when you feel otherwise. (Maybe especially then....)
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Re: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 09 Jun 2010 15:24 #69684

  • NeverAgain
Jamie, I'm sorry about the hijack...

My annoying neighbors challenged me to a water fight, so I'm just posting this message while I wait for the kettle to boil...
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Re: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 09 Jun 2010 15:46 #69686

  • 7yipol
  • Current streak: 3 days
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Or, poor Jamie that we keep hijacking his thread?

Oh, whoops, that would be me.
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
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Re: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 09 Jun 2010 16:01 #69692

  • oisvorf
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Briut wrote on 08 Jun 2010 20:20:

Why is the sign reading fuhgeddaboudit for drivers on their way OUT of Brooklyn? See? More stupidity.

Hey, What's your problem???    DOncha know dat when ya leave Brooklyn, dat's de only time ya kin fuhget it??
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Re: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 09 Jun 2010 16:22 #69696

  • Yechiel
  • Current streak: 98 days
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jamie wrote on 08 Jun 2010 17:31:

i like that... how do you get to that better place???

im restarting my jurney today, stronger and clearer thanks to all of you, any advice on ow to go about it ecause altough last was my longest stirike yet, it still failed???


For me it's the 12 steps, all of them, and the beginning of the realization that I need to turn my life over to God and stop trying to control everything. When I try to control things that I am powerless over, I start going nuts. You can guess what happens next....
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Re: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 09 Jun 2010 17:12 #69705

  • NeverAgain
They say I have A.D.D.. They just don't understand... Oh look a squirrel!
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Re: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 09 Jun 2010 17:18 #69707

  • Chazak Amenu
  • Current streak: 378 days
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yeah, so what about a squirrel. 
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Re: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 09 Jun 2010 17:21 #69708

  • NeverAgain
Oh, nothing. I was just watching a bird and a squirrel fight. A car won.
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Re: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 09 Jun 2010 17:24 #69709

  • briut
  • Current streak: 3 days
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Road kill for ravens. You must be very happy.

In the meantime, could we PLEASE dump the 'thread hijack' and get back to our dear, patient Jamie here? Here's where it all started...
jamie wrote on 18 May 2010 14:08:

hi,my name is jamie,
i live in london and became religious when i was about fifteen and it was around that ime when i first found out the true horror of what my sin has bee for the last few years.
i am 18 and just finishing my end of school exams and then i am off to yeshiva!!!
i am just starting this wall because the time has realy come for me to bring about the decisive change i have davened for and wished for, for so long.
i am quite nervoius about this whole community board thing bu t found out about th website in februray when i visited yu and saw posters about it al over the walls (pherhaps that is why Hashem sent me to new york??)
anyway, before i was religious and throught no bad of it i have been badly addicted and in the last 2 years i have been continuously struggling for so so long. all i really want to do is stop but i just find it so hard, and it breaks me but then i get even more week and continue to do it untill i feel to guilty for a week, and the cycle continues, i even said i would give ten pounds to tzedaka and go to the mikva every time a couple of moths ago and since then ive had to give over 100 pounds to charity andnow have a mikva membership itrs so often!!!
i just feel so so low that ive faiked so many times and am so addicited in this awful struggle.
so i have now decided to take the steps in the 90 day log, looking at how close this community are truely inspiores me, so hopefully, with becoming part of the family, in my 90 day runup to leaving for eretz yisroel to yeshiva (just realised i go in almost exactly 90 days!) Pleas please HAKADOSH BARUCH HU, will help me to break free finally, with all the help, chizuk and determination he sends my way!
chang samach and hopefuly this will now become the start of a very long, but truely meaningful and happening journey
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Re: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 10 Jun 2010 22:32 #69992

  • Chazak Amenu
  • Current streak: 378 days
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How are things going Jamie?
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Re: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 11 Jun 2010 03:30 #70041

  • Dov
  • Administrator
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Oh, yeah...hi jamie!!
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 11 Jun 2010 05:55 #70064

  • 1daat
  • Current streak: 126 days
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Hi Jamie,  You want kedusha so much.  How could Hashem not hold you precious.  Something 7up taught in a post is to talk with Hashem, all day.  And I read that Rebbe Nachman used to go out into the woods and just talk to H" (in Yiddish, of course).  Separate from davening.  Just talked, and talked.  Quiet like.

You can find what you are looking for, you are such a mensch to struggle with such strength.  Hashem will help.  The guys here will help.  If there's anything I can do, let me know.
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Re: Please, please G-d may this be the first step... 21 Jun 2010 11:03 #71528

  • jamies
okay then...

wow, havent been here for a very long time, and was drifting further away...thanks to nguyob im back, was stopping my wall althoughether but he emailed me and remined me...

a quick update will not do justice but i have to revisefor my last exam!!1

so breifly untill i get a better chance, me and my friend - danny on the forun - made a 50 pound bet and a sueda 40 days time if we both succed, he fell and paid me 50, so we pped it to 75, i fell then last fri, and now were booking a shabbaton on day 40, like 31 july or something, and the bets been uped to 100 punds, sop were both very determined!!

alot had been going on and i really want to tell all, need to revise now but wil hoepfully be back and raring to go eith the excitment i had when i first joined later on...

see you soon, ive missed thins,

day 3 ...

im shlomos ispirational woirds... day 1 as always, and 1daat, thanks for your words, staight to the heart mate!!

kol tuv!
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