Well today was interesting to say the least. I was clean until 2:00 around and I felt a very strong urge, I came on this site read a chizuk e-mail and then decided I must leave the computer whether I'm doing something appropriate or not. It worked. 5:00 comes, I fall. I ended up falling about an hour later also. Yesterday, I didn't really have any tests when I got day one. Day two I had 3 tests imo and I past 2. I'm happy I beat that first one, the other 2, whatever those aren't important. I want to focus on the victory which I don't know if I have left the computer like that before! I still am proud of myself for doing that!
Thanks for the words toadd!
K9 helps me win, he is on the battlefield with me, except I'm the captain and I still make the calls! The captain of me is Hashem, so ultimately he decides what happens!