My two cents:
Self knowledge Self thought and self knowledge are the most powerful things a person can have in this world. If you don't know yourself, how can you relate to life? How can you get to know someone else if you don't even know who you are. The beginning of everything starts with you. If you know yourself you know who you are and what you need to be. You know where you are and where you need to be. You know what you want and you pray to G-d to help you get there. The 12 steps begin the process of making one self aware.
An Alien way of thinking One of the biggest pieces of advice you will receive when entering a 12 step program is that you should get out of isolation. The addict is usually an avid isolationist. We tend to levitate towards and are often draen to the more secluded areas of the world. We oftentimes block out humanity from ourselves. We do this for different reasons. One of them is because we think we are different. Why do you think you are so different? Oh because you have a problem? Do you honestly think you are the first person to live on this earth to have this sort of problem?What do you think your an alien from a different planet? It's about time you realized you aren't that different. Once you realize this you will be able to open up a little bit. And that is where healing begins.
Divine Love The commentaries oftentimes marvel at the immense amount of Ahavas Yisroel and Love our great leader Moshe Rabbeinu had towards the Yidden. Yet we see some things that look like they go contrary to this. After G-d in his awesomeness took the Jewish people out of Mitzrayim they complained. G-d goes and tells Moshe Rabbeinu that he's gonna kill them off. Moshe answers Hashem:
"No, Don't kill them, because if you do what will Mitzrayim say? They may think that you, Hashem are not so powerful after all. You got what it takes to bring the Jews out but you can't keep 'em alive. Come on Moses is that really the best you could do? Basically G-d You shouldn't kill the Jews because the Egyptians are gonna say this and this about you. Is that really the best Ahavas Yisroel you have Moshe Rabbeinu? Since when is kissing up to G-d considered Ahavas Yisroel. How about the time when Moshe answered "oh g-d don't get so upset at the Jews. Why shouldn't you? Well because the Jews can't help themselves, they are an "Am Kshei Oiref"-a stubborn nation- says Moshe Rabbeinu. Ya thanks a lot moses, Ya G-d shouldn't kill us because hey, what else can you expect from a stiff-necked nation? Where is Moshe Rabbeinu's legendary ahavas yisroel that is spoken of so reverently.
Moshe Rabbeinus true unadulterated unwavering and selfless Love to the Yidden blatantly shines forth when Moshe says to G-d that if he is going to kill the Jews than "Mechei Mi Nu Misifrecha". If your gonna get rid of them than you gotta get rid of me too. I don't want to be part of something that doesn't include these people, as flawed as they may be. So to with Hashem. We must always realize and recognize that Hashem's love towards us is constantly upon us. It is an obvious and blatant love. Even if we may not feel it or see it at times, we know it is constantly active. Our existence alone is an act of divine love. Let us all try to internalize this.
With Love,