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Chazak Amenu's climb
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: Chazak Amenu's climb 15381 Views

Re: Just beggining young 26 May 2010 19:52 #66968

  • briut
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1425
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Of course! I know you're going to make it!
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Re: Just beggining young 26 May 2010 20:26 #66977

  • jamies
common bro, lead the way to freedom!

you know im a fan!
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Re: Just beggining young 26 May 2010 21:33 #66992

Thank you guys for your confidence, Briut Bli neder asking my father is the first thin on my list thank you so much for helping me you are incredible i just thought i would let you know that i really appreciate what you are doind for me by helping me out with parents perspectives and just helping me with difficult topics, Jamie, FREEDOM HERE WE COME! lets do it!
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Re: Just beggining young 27 May 2010 01:12 #67025

  • briut
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1425
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No, it's me who should be thanking you.

Just as I might have a parent's perspective to share you with -- you have the teen's perspective that you are showing me. And fer sure, if I thought my own teenaged son were needing the work of this site, I would want him to be able to do the work, to ask for what he needs, etc.

Part of me wants to wake up every parent in this zip code and say, "yoo hoo, this could be my kid, or yours, or the teen over the next hill...."

But at least we can throw our TV on the curb, put a password & filter on the PC, and daven. Especially, daven.
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Re: Just beggining young 27 May 2010 01:15 #67027

Very true have a good night!
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Re: Just beggining young 27 May 2010 12:52 #67079

I just asked my father to put the filter on and he said he couldn't do it now but he said he would tonight! so i know that tonight is going to be the night i get my filter back! Yay!
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Re: Just beggining young 27 May 2010 14:39 #67092

  • briut
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1425
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Sometimes I forget (for a little while) about commitments I've made to the kids, unless I've written them down (in my electronic thingy).

Help him out here, and remind him if the evening starts to pass by. He really wants to do the right thing by you! (Even if, like me, he might forget something for a couple of days. And in this case, he MIGHT (!!) not know that a couple of days is a big thing for you.)

Good for you, oh brave one!
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Re: Just beggining young 27 May 2010 14:43 #67094

yeah that what happened last time too. he works very late but he said he would do it and i f i remind and bring my laptop down he should do it, it won't take long. he works very late and normally comes home after 9:15 so... but he will do it. and like you said to him a few days with out a filter is fine whats the worst that can happen, but to me it is way to long, any way he will probably do it tonight and that is all that matters! thanks again Briut!
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Re: Just beggining young 27 May 2010 16:26 #67119

  • briut
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1425
  • Karma: 0
You see? A guy like me probably knows guys just LIKE your father. Especially the ones who work late, get tired, forget stuff they'd agreed to, etc. Oh, wait, I'm not talking about your father, I'm talking about ME.  Never mind....
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Re: Just beggining young 27 May 2010 16:53 #67129

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Re: Just beggining young 28 May 2010 03:18 #67242

Glad to hear that things are going well.
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Re: Just beggining young 28 May 2010 13:22 #67288

yeah accept that my dad did not do it last night! he says it is not that important and thinks i am carrying on to much about it and he does not know why i would want a password when i am just going to screw the computer up again and make things difficult but he will do it anyway. whatever i am going to get him to do it! and the next few days i have family over so i won't have time to watch por* but i will get him to do it...i don't have a choice!
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Re: Just beggining young 28 May 2010 14:14 #67294

  • briut
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1425
  • Karma: 0
Well, first, didn't I predict that he might wimp out, at least temporarily? No cause for concern - fathers just do that sometimes! He still loves you (as does Hashem).

Second, is there a reason you can't just install the filter YOURSELF, and give password to the filter Gabbai here?

Third, have a great Shabbos.
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Re: Just beggining young 28 May 2010 14:31 #67297

  • jamies
dont worry my friend, i understand where your comming from,
my dads not religiuous and i love him sososo much but sometimes with this kind of side its hard to relate to him with this ind of stuff
i tried to explain to him shomer habris and i think he thought i was quite wired about it, nd dont get me started on what my parents think about shomer negia...!!!

maybe your parents are finding it hard that your so dedicted and they wish they could have been likentha deep down... but dont worry just daven hard and BS'D it will be on you compute soon... if not do u know how to install accountablility software... you culkd have it sent to your rabbi or guard or even me if you want, that way youd be less happy about looking at the bad stuff when you know everyone can see....but remeber who can always see THE CREATOR

have a good sshabbos my friend
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Re: Just beggining young 28 May 2010 16:27 #67313

here is what is going on. Pre GYE I knew the password to my filter and used it to view por* so I typed in a random one so I would not know it this is a quote from when I first introduced my self on GYE  "I found out the filters password and used it. I recently changed the password so I don't know it but no one knows it so hopefully that does not become a problem." well it did when GYE got the virus because...so did my computer accept my dad could not fix it because I had gotten ris of the password allowing him to install ne files and the like onto my computer! that whole thing is on the thread www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=2265.msg63868#msg63868 anyway so my father was able to fix it and he took the password off so now there is no filter! So that is why he is hesitant but he said he would do it anyway...so i trust him that he will.

Have a good Shabbos Briut and Jamie.
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