as a fellow teen, i feel obligated to speak up.
First of all, know that people here (and everywhere) are rooting for you. Honestly, although being sad and depressed has never affected my life substantially, it can rarely be something that is beneficial, and never when you're trying to overcome any adversity, such as this struggle. "Tracht Gut - Vet Zein Gut"-Think good and it will be good. Whether you just flunked a test or are waiting to hear back from a yeshiva
, having a positive mindset can make all the difference in how the situation turns out.
As for whether or not you should tell your parents, i see three viable options that i would take (as i am in a similar situation):
1) tell your parents (or maybe even just one for the time being)
face to face in a private meeting;
2) Dont tell your parents and see if GUE can do the trick; or
3) write your parents a
letter explaining your situation and anything else you feel is necessary and place it somewhere where they will get it and you will be able to talk after they read it alone.
I'd consider each option, especially how you think
your parents will react. If you plan to tell them, i would personally recommend writing the letter, as its helped me communicate things to my parents in the past. With the letter, you could revise and revise unti
l you have it down perfectly and i'm sure the GUE community would help you out if you wanted it.
And one other thing i want to address. I would hesitate to call this an addiction (at least to p&m) for someone of our age. it is very possible with internet addiction. but at the same time, with p&m, i am unsure (for most teens) whether or not this is a true addiction or a hormone-driven phase. perhaps that is just a synonym for addiction but i think age (and puberty) certainly effects (y)our situation. if calling yourself an addict is part of whats getting you down, maybe think of what i just posted. if not, maybe its still relevant. regardless, know that whatever you're feeling and what you decide, you'll have support here and from Hashem.