Raboisai! I'm back from a most uplifting trip to the holy land in a long time. I feel like a new man. I just hope it lasts for a while.
I prayed for all of us on this site, that Hashem help us win are fight with the Y"H so that we can get closer to him are father in heaven.
I had the honor of meeting the Great & Holy Reb Yaakov Meier Schechter Shelita & he gave me a Hadracha to make it easier to stay in control & have an easier time with the Y"H, Kedusha, Shmiras Einaiem & that is
to say the 100 Brochos every day with Kavono.
He said that you are saying it anyway, why not spend a few extra minutes a day saying it with kavono. many people he said have told him that it worked Miracles B'rachnius & B'Gashmius. Its not that easy to get used to focusing on it but its the easiest thing we can do & yet accomplish the most amazing powerful things.
I Got to read the hand books on the flights I now have to read it a second time.
I have to thank Hashem for sending me as bardichev calls him the "Heiliger Guard" with all of the Tzadikim on this site to the rescue. I Couldn't have goten this far without you.
I'm clean since Lag Bo Oimer B"H & I hope & Pray that I Hashem will help me stay on Guard as long as I live. So please try the 100 Brachos a day with Kavono & let me know how it went.
One who makes 100 berachos every day will find it easy to reach a proper level of Yiras Shomayim (Fear of Hashem). Maharsha Menachos 43b, Ben Yehoyada Menachos 43b, Sefer Mitzvas Meah Berachos intro.
The obligation to make 100 berachos daily is based upon the Gemara (Mes. Menachos 43b) which states that during the reign of Dovid Hamelech 100 people were dying in Yerushalayim every day until Dovid Hamelech discerned through Ruach Hakodesh that it was necessary to institute the obligation for every individual to bless Hashem a minimum of 100 times each day, after which the plague ended. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Berurah 46:3, Midrash Rabbah Par. Korach 18:21, Tur 46
Dovid Hemelech based the obligation on the possuk in Parshas Eikev (Devarim 10:12) "Ve'attah Yisroel Moh Hashem Elokecha Shoel Mei'imach Ki Im L'Yirah Es Hashem Elokecha...." ("Now Israel what does Hashem your G-d ask of you? Only to fear Hashem your G-d"). The word "Moh" may be read as "Meah", meaning 100. The possuk then reads: "Now Israel 100 (berachos) does Hashem your G-d ask of you." Mes. Menachos 43b see Rashi
{The possuk subsequently has a total of 100 letters, and 26 words - equal to the name of Hashem Yud Hey Vov Hey}
The obligation to make 100 berachos daily is based upon the Gemara (Mes. Menachos 43b) which states that during the reign of Dovid Hamelech 100 people were dying in Yerushalayim every day until Dovid Hamelech discerned through Ruach Hakodesh that it was necessary to institute the obligation for every individual to bless Hashem a minimum of 100 times each day, after which the plague ended. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Berurah 46:3, Midrash Rabbah Par. Korach 18:21, Tur 46
Dovid Hemelech based the obligation on the possuk in Parshas Eikev (Devarim 10:12) "Ve'attah Yisroel Moh Hashem Elokecha Shoel Mei'imach Ki Im L'Yirah Es Hashem Elokecha...." ("Now Israel what does Hashem your G-d ask of you? Only to fear Hashem your G-d"). The word "Moh" may be read as "Meah", meaning 100. The possuk then reads: "Now Israel 100 (berachos) does Hashem your G-d ask of you." Mes. Menachos 43b see Rashi
{The possuk subsequently has a total of 100 letters, and 26 words - equal to the name of Hashem Yud Hey Vov Hey}
Since "all that Hashem wants of us" is the 100 berachos "this Mitzvah is very great and awesome with very deep meaning". Seder Hayom Seder Meah Berachos
The obligation to make 100 berachos daily begins at nightfall (Tzeis Hakochavim) and continues until nightfall the next day. Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 46:3, Siddur R' Yaakov Emden, Piskei Tshuvos 46:9
On a typical weekday one can fulfill the count of 100 berachos as follows;
1-5. Five berachos of Shema in Maariv
6-24. Nineteen berachos in Shmona Esrei of Maariv
25. Hamapil, when going to sleep
26-28. Netilas Yadayim, Asher Yatzar, Elokai Neshoma in the morning
29-43. Fifteen daily morning Berachos
44-46. Three Birchas Hatorah. (counts Veha'arev Noh as a beracha)
47-49. One beracha on Tzitzis/Tallis, 2 on Tefillin
50. Mikadesh es Shimchah B'rabim (before Korbonos) {not mentioned in MB}
51-52. Boruch She'amar and Yishtabach
53-55. Three berachos of Shema at Shachris
56-74. Nineteen berachos of Shmona Esrei of Shachris
75-93. Nineteen berachos of Shmona Esrei of Mincha
94-95. Al Netilas Yadayim for 2 meals a day
96-97. Hamotzie Twice a day
98-105. Four berachos of Bircas Hamazon twice a day
106-107. Hagafen on the Kos beracha after Bircas Hamazon twice a day
108-109. Al Hagefen after Kos beracha twice a day
Plus - any additional berachos before and after eating food outside of a bread meal, a 3rd bread meal, and berachos of Asher Yatzar after using the bathroom.
Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 46:3
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