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bardichev's battle
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TOPIC: bardichev's battle 177146 Views

Re: bardichev's battle 30 Jun 2009 16:43 #7774

  • bardichev
tell the world efshar
we do not accept plastic

private joke sorry y'all
see you soon
Last Edit: by s y.

Re: bardichev's battle 30 Jun 2009 16:48 #7776

  • bardichev
read the posts

Last Edit: by Paltey Yosef.

Re: bardichev's battle 30 Jun 2009 17:01 #7781

  • Dov
  • Administrator
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To my fellow yidden who wholeheartedly choose milchemes hayetzer:

Yiyasher Kochachem! You are in what chazal refer to as milchemes hayetzer. Your sc'har is surely tremendous, even if you fail! The nachas ruach you are bringing up is huge, even if you fail!
I, on the other hand, believe I cannot afford the "sheva yipol = tzaddik" route, when it comes to lust. I cannot afford to fail any more.
[b]I have taken the "selfish" route and decided that the risk of ruining my wife and children's lives, making an endless chillul Hashem and being in Ra that deeply, are all much too great for me.
That is the only difference I see between us! I may make less of a nachas ruach, but I believe this is the best present I can possibly offer up to my Borei today.
I don't get covered with spiritual mud cuz I don't get in the ring to wrestle with what you refer to as the menuval. When I wrestle with him i have found i just get too dirty. After  I choose to go after Hashem rather than lust, it isHashem's job what he does with him/it now,not mine, BH!
You still care about nahamah dekisufah, I do not. Will I have much sch'ar in Olam haba? Really not my business. (I hear I'm in good company as far as that idea goes, though...)
I often struggle with myself to look at things in a sensible or useful way rather than through my nutty eyeglasses (hey - they may be upside down!). The ta'avos do come and waltz into my mind, as do the images on the street and memories in my brain. I need to stop there - "ayn mevi'in mei raglayim bamikdosh, mipnei hakovod"! But that is not enough, as they will either flow back into my mind OR I'll get too dirty with the repeated struggle to push them back out. I am an addict, so I need to humbly ask Hashem to free me completely from the temptations. I also ask Him for yiras shomayim and more yiras cheit! (insurance is good!) By that point I have given the struggle completely to Hashem. All this goes on in my will. Either I'll decide to make my will whateverHashem's Will is, or I won't(Ch"v). (sound familiar?)
If I don't, I guess I'll have to sing the "sheva yipol" song. Who knows, maybe I'll get a stanza in before it's all over? Hopefully, I won't create too much reckage in the process...
My love for you and all who choose your path is tremendous, there was a time in my life that I was truly jealous of you. Now, I'm not. It is clear to me that this is my station in life.
Your friend always! - Dov
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: 30 Jun 2009 17:12 by mzrob.

Re: bardichev's battle 30 Jun 2009 17:09 #7783

  • bardichev
dov holy rebbe reb ber

i am so a d d (ask guard he knows)

can you explain to me in ONE sentance what it means to GIVE OVER your lust to HAShEM?hiher source

one sentance no cliches no long explanations

ok? thanks you are asweetie!

Last Edit: by mzrob.

Re: bardichev's battle 30 Jun 2009 17:16 #7784

  • Dov
  • Administrator
  • Posts: 1960
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It means to ask Him bechasdo to do whatever is needed to get this temptation out of my heart at this moment and to agree to do whatever His will is. I have heard at least one SA tell me he adds:"even if it means I need you need to take my life", but I am not there...
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: 30 Jun 2009 17:18 by .

Re: bardichev's battle 30 Jun 2009 17:32 #7785

  • bardichev

what if it does not go away

are you good to go?

Last Edit: by nene.

Re: bardichev's battle 30 Jun 2009 17:35 #7786

  • Dov
  • Administrator
  • Posts: 1960
  • Karma: 385
I guess I'll just have to have a lot of whatever that stuff in your picture is (I assume it is single-malt scotch...)
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: by davidlugase.

Re: bardichev's battle 30 Jun 2009 19:57 #7798

  • London
bardichev wrote on 30 Jun 2009 17:32:


what if it does not go away

are you good to go?

Keep doing it, again and again!!  We use the word "surrender" when giving up our lust to Hashem I just googled the word surrender and this is what came up:

–verb (used with object) 1. to yield (something) to the possession or power of another; deliver up possession of on demand or under duress: to surrender the fort to the enemy; to surrender the stolen goods to the police. 
2. to give (oneself) up, as to the police.
3. to give (oneself) up to some influence, course, emotion, etc.: He surrendered himself to a life of hardship. 
4. to give up, abandon, or relinquish (comfort, hope, etc.).
5. to yield or resign (an office, privilege, etc.) in favor of another.
Last Edit: by consist.

Re: bardichev's battle 30 Jun 2009 20:24 #7800

  • Efshar Letaken
  • Current streak: 194 days
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The Elevator is Broken!  Use the Steps! lol

Gevaldig Reb London

I think its broken because bardichev is using it to much.

Last Edit: by mashe.

Re: bardichev's battle 30 Jun 2009 20:45 #7801

  • Dov
  • Administrator
  • Posts: 1960
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Please R' Efshar - in defense of my friend, I need to inform you that our berdichever does use the elevator too much!

He is always using it to elevate other people from their dumps!!

"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
Last Edit: by mcpropboy.

Re: bardichev's battle 01 Jul 2009 07:47 #7828

  • 7yipol
  • Current streak: 3 days
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Well said R' Dov!

A perfect description of our Bardichev

Keep it UP
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
Last Edit: by 001.

Re: bardichev's battle 01 Jul 2009 14:49 #7877

  • bardichev

hello i was away yesterday sorry
I am back and all fired up to take on the new day

Yh please move over we have many people trying and hoping to rreach to the top of the building

some or using the elevator other the steps

we even got one fellow on a ladder( Hi NOORA )

just YH move over get out of dodge sitanara chow yalla beat it(yuck)

ok hes gone for now


Mr Bar D. Chev
Head Coach Team GUE
Last Edit: by Dan B.

Re: bardichev's battle 01 Jul 2009 15:12 #7880

  • bardichev
noorah im stepping off the elevator for a second

no you wont find me on sthe steps

i need to stop in my office for a bit

if you need me from the ladder

wave when you pass my window

or pm me

Efshar we stilll dont accept plastic (still a private joke)

b ba bar bard bardi bardichev

Last Edit: by HubinHock.

Re: bardichev's battle 01 Jul 2009 15:17 #7883

  • Efshar Letaken
  • Current streak: 194 days
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Smiling we are! 

Yup! No Plastic!

Last Edit: by tzanuah.

Re: bardichev's battle 01 Jul 2009 16:36 #7890

  • Noorah BAmram
  • Current streak: 3711 days
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Efshar Letaken wrote on 01 Jul 2009 15:17:

Smiling we are! 


ditto for me Heligah Rebbe shlita
PS thanks for letting me know - so i wont put in a missing person report  :D :D :D
[b]כי שבע יפול צדיק וקם[/b] 
A Tzadik is he who continues to  bounce back after he hits bottom, even a hundred times !!!!!Rav Don Segal Shlita
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