Day 24: ok so I experimented today and I think the outcome was pretty interesting I sat down to eat some candy and after one bite I decided, "why not practice some urge surfing?" so I set a timer for 20 min and told myself "I cant have another bite till the time is up." not gonna lie it felt the same way urges feel regarding porn & masturbating. I was pacing, telling my self "this is stupid," I couldn't concentrate ETC. there were 2 things holding me back
One: the 20 min timer.
Two: the bragging rights of being able to post this on forums AKA Guyvah (lol.)
so yeah, interesting experiment, and so how dose this apply to PMO? good question! when it comes to "the battle" there's very little you can do. Its a whole lot better to just avoid the "candy" in the first place. but there's a catch; what about our natural urges how can we avoid that? the truth is we can't. so i'm stuck. I don't know what to say, I guess I need to chew on it for a while (pun
also, I've yet to find a good enough reason to stop PMO long term other than the 90 day count, because the truth is PMO dose feel really good the only negative; is my reaction afterwards. as messed up as that seems its the truth.
Let's say hypothetically PMO becomes
mutar tomorrow would you hold out? I don't know if I would.
what if my (future) wife said shes ok with it? would I still be scared of falling? probably not.
Unless I can find such an
absolute reason to stop IE cigarettes = cancer. I don't know if I would.
feel free to share your thoughts