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Getting up when you fall
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!
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TOPIC: Getting up when you fall 530 Views

Getting up when you fall 08 Jan 2025 12:17 #428688

  • yosefms
  • Current streak: 20 days
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Hi Everyone,

so...I thought I will share my current experience with the oilam for myself to try understand where I'm at and for others to read and maybe get some advice, chizuk and sympathy too.  I was doing well got to day 60 and really had no urges at all in that time.  I noticed myself starting to slack with staying in touch with people, although it was busy over chanuka etc... 

After day 60 for me I started getting urges, I was physically tired, bit worn down and also starting feeling a bit angry and frustrated for large chunks of the day.  About a week after chanuka I still hadnt managed these feelings at all and managed to reboot my phone from my work computer which resulted in the filter (and apps, photos etc.. that weren't backed up on the cloud) being deleted and unfortunately fell back into the old p&m habit one evening. The next morning, i headed to tag and got the filter put back on the phone so back on wagon which is good.

Looking back, I do think that for me as the days grew on my dashboard, my confidence grew which is great but maybe my perceptions of myself were also not totally accurate.  The point I've learned is, dont focus on the big number of days on your dashboard or at least remember that however far you've come, you can always get tempted again so take it with a pinch of salt... I also think that whilst you can change habits to stop using this as a method to escape your frustrations in life, they can always be changed back again if you drop your guard too much.  It's hard work to change yourself but it's harder work falling.  The choice is ours! Planning on posting the days daily for the next 90 days and thanking Hashem for the zchus to have the mindset to keep fighting on!  So BH day 2!
Last Edit: 08 Jan 2025 14:37 by yosefms.

Re: Getting up when you fall 08 Jan 2025 13:16 #428691

I do think that for me as the days grew on my dashboard, my confidence grew which is great but maybe my perceptions of myself were also not totally accurate.  The point I've learned is, dont focus on the big number of days on your dashboard or at least remember that however far you've come, you can always get tempted again so take it with a pinch of salt... I also think that whilst you can change habits to stop using this as a method to escape your frustrations in life, they can always be changed back again if you drop your guard too much.  It's hard work to change yourself but it's harder work falling.  The choice is ours! Planning on posting the days daily for the next 90 days and thanking Hashem for the zchus to have the mindset to keep fighting on!  So BH day 2!


So strong of you to get that filter right back on.

Keep Truckin Bro!

SSSL's Story (Google Doc)​ [You will need to request permission, which I'm happy to give.]
Holy In Jerusalem (My Thread)

Feel free to say hi or send some chizuk over @ stopsurvivingstartliving2024@gmail.com.
My google voice number got shut down, so I won't be able to receive or send messages from there.

Re: Getting up when you fall 13 Jan 2025 13:30 #429000

  • yosefms
  • Current streak: 20 days
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Day 5 BH!

Re: Getting up when you fall 14 Jan 2025 10:41 #429083

  • yosefms
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Day 6 BH

Re: Getting up when you fall 14 Jan 2025 15:13 #429103

  • cleanmendy
  • Current streak: 66 days
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I hope you keep going strong together with me!!

Re: Getting up when you fall 14 Jan 2025 15:21 #429104

  • yosefms
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Hey Cleanmendy 

Let's work together!

Re: Getting up when you fall 14 Jan 2025 15:22 #429105

  • cleanmendy
  • Current streak: 66 days
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That seems the only way to win this! Reading your thread gave me a lot of chizzuk, thank you

Re: Getting up when you fall 15 Jan 2025 11:00 #429177

  • yosefms
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day 7 BH

Re: Getting up when you fall 15 Jan 2025 14:21 #429182

  • Muttel
  • Current streak: 303 days
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Just seeing this thread, R' Yosef.

What I've done is coming to terms with the fact that this struggle is with me until the day I die. It took time and some surrendering, but I've accepted that along with accepting the fact that I may fall at any given time. Accepting that allows the fear, frustration, resentment, and anger at being stuck with this struggle to melt away and have a positive perspective about it - may I venture to even say an appreciation for the opportunities of growth inherent in this battle.

That, along with the fact that the only day that matters is today - always - helped me too. A 2000 day streak is no different than a 2 day streak in that it's just one day and then another.....

Here's hoping for your sustained success,
We're in this struggle together; feel free to reach out! 

Feel free to call/text! (908) 251-9590 (google)

Check out my thread here: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/413043-My-ENTIRE-story#413043
Last Edit: 15 Jan 2025 14:23 by Muttel. Reason: clarity

Re: Getting up when you fall 15 Jan 2025 14:25 #429183

  • yosefms
  • Current streak: 20 days
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My thoughts exactly, I felt like I was walking on שפילקעס before

Re: Getting up when you fall 15 Jan 2025 15:31 #429191

  • BenHashemBH
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Shalom Brothers,

I was initially unsure if I wanted to share this or not. I think for some people it is not a comforting idea, though others may find chizzuk in it. Hopefully those that is doesn't speak to will set it aside and focus on the fight in ways that work for them.

This is the final page of You Revealed by Rav Naftali Horowitz.

But I am so exhausted from the constant ups and downs!

Sometimes we grow so tired; matters seem so hopeless and pointless. We win a battle only to face another even bigger one; we rise only to fall even harder soon after. Why must life be this way? What is the meaning of all this? The following Torah, when I first learned it, changed my perspective on this subject.

The Tanya relates in Chapter 27 "This is the task of the beinonim (the segment of the population that lives with the ongoing internal battle between right and wrong) to subdue the evil impulse and the thoughts that arise within them and to completely avert their mind from them. With every repulsion of thought, the Sitra Achra, Satan, is suppressed here below. Each arousal from below (our initiative to battle the Satan) produces a corresponding arousal above...

Therefore, one should not ever feel depressed or troubled in his heart (i.e.: what is the point of this battle if I never experience ultimate victory) even if he is engaged in this battle all of the days of his life. For perhaps this is precisely why he was created, and this is the service that is demanded of him- to subdue the Sitra Achra constantly. (Sometimes life feels like one long game of whack a mole; we hit him over here and he pops up somewhere else.)

There are two kinds of Divine pleasure, one from the complete annihilation of the Sitra Achra and the conversion from bitter to sweet, from darkness to light, which is accomplished by tzaddikim. The second is when the Sitra Achra is subdued while he is still in his strongest and most powerful form, soaring like an eagle, and from this height Hashem topples him in response to our human initiative. This is accomplished by the beinonim.

The strength that these holy words provide is immeasurable. There are two kinds of Divine pleasures: ours and that of the gedolim of each generation. Hashem derives nachas from both and treasures both equally. Battling each day and never coming home with a trophy takes overwhelming will and perseverance. Climbing and knowing that we may never arrive at the top takes a deeper understanding of life and its true purpose. It requires a negation of the ego and thoughts of "I want to feel good about myself. I want to stand at the top and be able to say 'I did it! I won!'

Fighting the same battles throughout our lives requires us to negate what "we" want and focus on the underlying purpose of life-to battle and overcome, and do so over and over and over, not so that we can feel victorious, but so that we can carry out the Will of Hashem. While we may not see it, the hair's breadth progress that we are making on this world is moving upper worlds in infinite ways and giving Hakadosh Baruch Hu outstanding pleasure.

There is nothing wrong with us. Battling our way out of darkness is our purpose in life. We should therefore expect this to be the case for our entire lives and even learn to look forward to it being this way.

(I believe that The Battle of the Generation also discusses this approach of, in a healthy way, looking forward to challenge by recognizing the growth that lies within it. Not saying that a person will be stuck in this mud his entire life, but we'll always be dealing with some form of mud or another).

(I don't think the message is that we are supposed to "turn the other cheek" and smile through a miserable life. I think the idea is that there is tachlis in serving Hashem, and when we can see it like that, it becomes not a struggle. By accepting that I may deal with this my whole life (surrendering), I am likely to reach a place through that which takes me out of the struggle).
Today is yesterday's tomorrow.
The yetzarim a person has the most trouble dealing with are his most powerful God-given tools for developing his potential and achieving shleimus.
It doesn't matter how big the number is, only that today it is going up by one.

Please feel free to reach out. I'd appreciate connecting with you (via GYE, email, or phone - whatever floats your boat)
A little about me: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/412971-I-Want-to-Help-Others
Last Edit: 15 Jan 2025 17:40 by BenHashemBH.

Re: Getting up when you fall 15 Jan 2025 20:04 #429208

BenHashemBH wrote on 15 Jan 2025 15:31:
Shalom Brothers,

I was initially unsure if I wanted to share this or not. I think for some people it is not a comforting idea, though others may find chizzuk in it. Hopefully those that is doesn't speak to will set it aside and focus on the fight in ways that work for them.

This is the final page of You Revealed by Rav Naftali Horowitz.

But I am so exhausted from the constant ups and downs!

Sometimes we grow so tired; matters seem so hopeless and pointless. We win a battle only to face another even bigger one; we rise only to fall even harder soon after. Why must life be this way? What is the meaning of all this? The following Torah, when I first learned it, changed my perspective on this subject.

The Tanya relates in Chapter 27 "This is the task of the beinonim (the segment of the population that lives with the ongoing internal battle between right and wrong) to subdue the evil impulse and the thoughts that arise within them and to completely avert their mind from them. With every repulsion of thought, the Sitra Achra, Satan, is suppressed here below. Each arousal from below (our initiative to battle the Satan) produces a corresponding arousal above...

Therefore, one should not ever feel depressed or troubled in his heart (i.e.: what is the point of this battle if I never experience ultimate victory) even if he is engaged in this battle all of the days of his life. For perhaps this is precisely why he was created, and this is the service that is demanded of him- to subdue the Sitra Achra constantly. (Sometimes life feels like one long game of whack a mole; we hit him over here and he pops up somewhere else.)

There are two kinds of Divine pleasure, one from the complete annihilation of the Sitra Achra and the conversion from bitter to sweet, from darkness to light, which is accomplished by tzaddikim. The second is when the Sitra Achra is subdued while he is still in his strongest and most powerful form, soaring like an eagle, and from this height Hashem topples him in response to our human initiative. This is accomplished by the beinonim.

The strength that these holy words provide is immeasurable. There are two kinds of Divine pleasures: ours and that of the gedolim of each generation. Hashem derives nachas from both and treasures both equally. Battling each day and never coming home with a trophy takes overwhelming will and perseverance. Climbing and knowing that we may never arrive at the top takes a deeper understanding of life and its true purpose. It requires a negation of the ego and thoughts of "I want to feel good about myself. I want to stand at the top and be able to say 'I did it! I won!'

Fighting the same battles throughout our lives requires us to negate what "we" want and focus on the underlying purpose of life-to battle and overcome, and do so over and over and over, not so that we can feel victorious, but so that we can carry out the Will of Hashem. While we may not see it, the hair's breadth progress that we are making on this world is moving upper worlds in infinite ways and giving Hakadosh Baruch Hu outstanding pleasure.

There is nothing wrong with us. Battling our way out of darkness is our purpose in life. We should therefore expect this to be the case for our entire lives and even learn to look forward to it being this way.

(I believe that The Battle of the Generation also discusses this approach of, in a healthy way, looking forward to challenge by recognizing the growth that lies within it. Not saying that a person will be stuck in this mud his entire life, but we'll always be dealing with some form of mud or another).

(I don't think the message is that we are supposed to "turn the other cheek" and smile through a miserable life. I think the idea is that there is tachlis in serving Hashem, and when we can see it like that, it becomes not a struggle. By accepting that I may deal with this my whole life (surrendering), I am likely to reach a place through that which takes me out of the struggle).

Such beautiful words!
Roy lmi shamarom!

Re: Getting up when you fall 16 Jan 2025 11:46 #429252

  • yosefms
  • Current streak: 20 days
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Day 8 BH

Re: Getting up when you fall 17 Jan 2025 09:38 #429378

  • yosefms
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Day 9 BH

Re: Getting up when you fall 19 Jan 2025 12:27 #429467

  • yosefms
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Day 10 Bh
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