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shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart
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TOPIC: shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart 14597 Views

Re: shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart 11 Mar 2010 21:36 #57605

  • shemirateinayim
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just checking in, bored and busy.  Yes the two CAN co-exist!

Packing, typing, eating, typing, eating, packing, eating, typing ....oh I almost  forgot to sleep!

everv shabbos are always a busy time, even for a bachur. Shabbos is shabbos, ans motzai shabbos is for learing. I wonder if I will have any time to say goodbye!  I had better do it later today........... shmiras is leaving!!!   

              ET go hooooooooome!
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Re: shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart 11 Mar 2010 21:45 #57610

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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er, oh, um, I mean,      WE"RE GONNA MISS YOU!!!!      WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK?????????
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Re: shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart 11 Mar 2010 23:52 #57621

  • shemirateinayim
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WHo said I'm leaving?    

                  .....oh yeh I did
Last Edit: 12 Mar 2010 00:17 by .

Re: shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart 12 Mar 2010 00:21 #57624

  • shemirateinayim
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Update: Y"H has once ahain changed his battle plan

In an effort to destroy me, the Y"H has addopted a new tactic. The name of the game...yichud. He lure his unsuspecting victom into his lair, by provoding an assuring sence of sobriety. His sorry victim (me) is them tempted to browse kosher websites, for interesting content. ... commom sence dictates that such acts are both a violation of halacha and one step away from surfing shmutz.

But I am one step ahead of the game, on the alert
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Re: shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart 12 Mar 2010 09:12 #57847

  • shemirateinayim
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Bye everybody  :'(
    Thnx GUARD for the 12 steps
          Thnx DOV for step 1
                Thnx to my rebbe for step 2
                        Thnx to EY for step 3
                                Thnx Yosef Hatzaddik for step 4
                                          Thnx GUARD for this 'program' I'll be back for 5-12

  Tatte, you gave me a neshama tehora, and I have defiled it. You designed it's purpose, and I have yet to match up. You formed it, and I have been pogeim it. And you blew it within me, and I have only made myself more megisham, by lusting, and thereby strengthening the begam hanachas. And you assure it stays within me, despite the aveiros I dream of doing......

    I still cannot explain WHY I have spent 2.5 months on this site, anf for the most part, 10 hours a day! But this much I can say. If I didn't have all of you, I would have either done one of these 2 things.  1. Learn day and night, seeking a repite from my terrible circumstances.  or 2. Have an emotional meltdown. Even I have my limits. And 2.5 months out of the beis medrash, with no chavrusah, and terrible tiruf hada'as...will kill me. I live in Hashem's world, and I can't do it all alone.

*sorry girls for the mechitza.
*sorry GUARD for the inscecent leitzanus

Before my 'matzav' started, I had made a kabalah to finnaly drop internet...gmail included. When the stress of my 'matzav' became unbearable, I realized that I needed some support, and social structure, so I came back to GYE. I do not want to use the internet, or a computer. Call me mideaval and out-dated... but I can see an instant deterioration in my learning when I touch my gmail. (I haven't been learning much during this tekufah, soI haven't had the zchus of noting any differance.
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Re: shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart 12 Mar 2010 12:17 #57862

  • bardichev
Gonna miSs u

And our deep conversations

Be Matzliach

Invite me to yiur lchaimvort oifruf wedding

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Re: shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart 12 Mar 2010 17:45 #57893

  • Steve
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It's been real.

and it's been fun.

it's even been REAL FUN!

Buut best of all it's been VERY INSPIRING!

SE you are one of the true leaders of this here clan, and we'd better see you back here REAL SOON!

And if Bards can come, why can't I?

Oh, I see, you're serving pickles....
No one is so small that he can not give help, and no one is so big that he doesn't need it.

Kol HaOlam Kulo, Gesher Tzar Meod, V'HaIkkar: Lo L'Pacheid Klal.
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Re: shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart 12 Mar 2010 19:49 #57920

  • silentbattle
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I wish you the greatest hatzlacha in everything in life!
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Re: shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart 13 Mar 2010 20:45 #57952

  • the.guard
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Shalom, Chaver.  :'(  :-*  ;D
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart 16 Mar 2010 23:13 #58496

  • 7yipol
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Gone? I didnt even know till right now.
I came looking for SE as I hadnt heard from him in a few days.
Im glad youve gone home SE, and glad of the circumstances which allow it.
You are one special trucker.
Dont waste those kochos, and use them correctly be'H
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
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All this climbing is tiring me out...who wants to go repelling with me? 04 Apr 2010 16:31 #60155

  • shemirateinayim
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OK for once I don't have to care much about all my typos.... since for me typing without them would definitely be a ma'aseh uman.      Plus the Mishna Berura holds that acc. to the ramam there is a mayla in doing even mutar melacha with a shinuy.... (btypedthis bwith my noswe {realy!}.

Today is day 11 My last 2 slips where only hz"l not a blown out p--- rampage C"V

I had to report in tzy machmas my farshtunkener Yetzer Hara,  umitzad sheini I needed the lift. I spent shabbos at my rebbe, thankfull for the respite from the stress at home... and happy to sbe in a place I call "home".  You see I am VERY close to my rebbe, and have stayed over by his home many times.  he's like a 2nd home whenever I am in his city. And among the many berachhos hashem Has blessed him, is many children....and a handfull of girls. 

i had always maintanied unigue gedarim, between me and his daughters... not ever talking to them for even the mutar things...unless there truly was NO alternative (even not "pass the OJ". And one weirder one. you see, although I know how many kids he has total, and I know all of the boys, I never allowed myself to dot he mathematical calculation of 10-6=    I simply never let myself know how many girls he has. Now i am sure that you will all reafirm your assumption that I am a quack and meshugana kanai~shoteh.... but the logic behonf this, is that If I don't know how many there are, I will never associate their the glances I get of them, witht their names or faces.  You see, I can spend a 2 day Yom tov in shis house, and not have seen his girls .....even once. And this rebbe both knows of my addiction, my longest clean streak, and he also knows that I don't know what his daughters look like or how they dress...  (I once chepered him about tznius, and the lenth of a skirt...so he snapped back at me "do you know what my daughters look like" (exact quote) then there was this eary silence that we where both thinking 'that didn't come-out right'  "Ummm avtualy no." so he says  "oh"  and he's thinking whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?????? )     

Just alittle prequel to my shmiras einayim>>>> so you can understand the story better.            When I walk down the street, or therough the hallways of a building, I can accurately detirmine the gender of EVERY SINGLE PERSON by glancing at the way they walk or stand.... and i only have to glace at them in my periphral vision.  This heavenly gift allows me to detirmine who ISN'T a guy, and thus not look in their direction. And if they ARE a guy, I can say hello or gud shabbos.

back to our story: so mayseh shehaya kach haya. As soon as we came back from shul, I misstook his yungest daughter (alittle over bas mitzva) for one of his sons.... I looked strait at her face for a second or 2. Untill I went....whooops

Then when they al gather~round for shalom aleichem, I notice that the flowers, strategicly placed there to block my vision (whether the rebetzins stragey or hashems...) needed to be moved over half a foot.  So from the start it was gonna be a 'fun' meal.

I have a good voice, and I am capable of hiting all those high notes that the yeshivishe chevra always ends up on.... but cracks. So it isn;t unusual for me to do a few short solos by zemiros. .....And that is when my Y"H starts. 'nice voice, the girls must all be looking at you to see if you can make it through without sqeeking croaking or belching it out" "I wonder if any of them have any freinds who they can 'set me up' with" "look at me I have a good voice" "I have an itch in a place I can't scratch in public....rats"

So by the time we finished eishes chayil....my battle had already begun. To make things worse, the family kept cheppering the olderst son about what he needs to look for in a kallah.... with all his sisters showing off how womanly they are, and how clueless he is to that ("some people can never understand women")    And there I am trying to not visible squirm in my seat.

What pulled me through? I remembered that one of the nosei eilim on the tur expalin the gemara  that hirhurai aveira are bigger than the actual ma'aseh aeira"  to be talking about a penuya.    And he brings a pasuk "Bris Karasi leAinai Unah Esbonen Al besulah the entire meal I treid visualizing that pasuk. And every time I did I recovered from my YH, and felt a wholesome shleimus and kedusha..... it felt good.

As the meal progressed, I just jept doping the same thing, and always fully closing my eyes at every oppertunity. Zmiros....ah close em.    Divrei torah....Ah close them and pretend you are thinking 'harder'    Sneeze....ah pretend you are holding one back      He said something styupid....just close em and shake your head        tired?.....nah no point in faking that, if I will anyways stay up till 1am.

After the meal, I just ran strait for the study/library/beis medrah  and got comfortable behind a gemara. and what did the sugya deal with....yup yet some more triggers..... darn      JUST KOT

At 12ish I started to hear some doors open upstairs, mybe a sink running.....so now my YH starts getting lumdish. AHa  netilas yadayim, you know what that means...onas Talmid chacham beshabas (yeh even about a rebbe he can try making me think--- boy I'm a nebach)
So I learn alittlw louder hoping they realize I am up, and DO NOT come down to learn afterwards (sheesh just what I need to see,  what rebbe you are fully rested after 2 hours? no? so why are you up....duhhh)

Wakeup shachris....no problem,  but coming bach from shull and it seems like we all forgot a halacha, achorei __?___ velo achorei nashim. I forgot what the memra was, but I know it was something like a sheid or the malach hamaves.      So when my rebbe asked me 'vas machtzu?" I tried hard not to blurt out 'lo yelhaleich adam achorei isha...and your doughters may not be a problem for you, but HELLO WHAT ABOUT ME????  I manadged to walk behind everyone, and block their tenuas hiluach from veiw, by putting his son between me and them.   

then comes the meal....yet again, a handfull of girls all physicaly matured, and 1 of them old enough to get married.....bris karasi leainai umah esbonen al besulah!!!!  alalalalalalahh die Y"H!!!

After the meal it wasn't so bad, just that I accidentaly had a split second peak at the youngest daughter (who bh doesn't have the build, waistline, or looks of her sisters....and she is probably only 14-15) darn.... why did I have to mess up in the daytime also? 

The after noon went well, except for 2 stupid oneisim. Stupid because i could have prevented them If only I remembered not to look at anywhere with family pictures.  Bacuase normaly I mentaly balnk-out the girls pictires, and quasi focus on the pictures of the guys. But I passed by a picture that I didn;t expect to be there, and I also glanced into the living room while I was learning....something I had no need to do.

OK so 30odd hours, 4 girls+ a rebetzin....and only 4 peeks. 2 at the youngest girl, 1 at a picture and 1 that I glaced to short to see who it was...  you may think I am crazy 4 complaining, but the ems is that hashem is gonna grill me for these,  he gave me unnatural abilities to be shomer einayim.. I could have walked out 100%  and not just 99.99%

1 last thing: It was the first time I bumped into a married freind, and went pver for shalish seudos....to catch up.  I never thought about that faz of life, where your freinds want to do the formalities of introducing their family, and showing you their cute babies....which their wife happen to be holding.  but I don't think I did anything which they will have any tevious on me in shamayim

A gut yom tov, chak kooooooosher vesameiach.....and beruchim hanemtzaim

You guys can contact me via Yosef Hatzaddik. 

AH eh duvar shwel toiya....toyra hakdoisha    oh oooh  oooh toyar hakdoisa......     
Hoid shebechesed  - day 5 -  kinyan hayom Aimah
Yeshaya 1, paasuk 3  yada shor koneihu vechamor avus ba'alav....yisrael lo yada imi hisbonein"  We must be mehaleil omeshabeich hashem for the tovos he does with us. They are even so regular and frequent, ad kedai kash that me SO expect them every day....we even call them 'natural'. And Beteva shebeolam.    And from this hoda'ah we should m=be machnia ourselves.

Sefer Omer Hatunufa:
Yerushalmi maaser sheinei berek5 halacha 3 brings the pasuk "letet menat hakohanim vahalivi'im lema'an yechzeku betoras hashem" When one realizes that the chesed he gets comes from hashem who is CONSTANTLY and INCESCENTLY mischaseid with us...and metoch that hergesh he is mehaleil omeshabeish hashem... such a hoda'ah is Hod shebechesed.
Last Edit: 04 Apr 2010 16:39 by .

Re: shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart 07 Apr 2010 21:16 #60332

  • shemirateinayim
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day -0-

I need to hit rock bottom...any  help ppl.    I CANNOT CONTINUE LIKE THIS, i need to do step 1 again!!!! I actualy WANT to look at p--- nowadays...big proglem.

I neeed help hitting rock bootom while till "ip here".  it's yemai hakatnus, and midas gevurah. dehainu all thos lusitng that is supposed to be reserved for a mariadge....is driving me through the walls!!!!!  I need help hitting bottom. anyone?
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Re: shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart 07 Apr 2010 21:51 #60340

  • Dov
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Dear SE - Sounds like you know what you need to do, after all. If you want any help doing your step 1, I volunteer. PM me and we'll talk or something.

As far as hitting rock bottom, if you really cannot continue like this, it'll be alright. Knowing that is half the battle. Now isn't the time to withdraw, of course, but to forge ahead and talk with friends, open up (mainly to yourself and then to them) in a calm accepting way about exactly what control you have over this problem, if any (probably less than you used to think), and stay in the game.
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart 07 Apr 2010 22:26 #60345

  • shemirateinayim
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talk or something...  nu waiting for a reponse

At least I know the rules of the game, and the "steps" i need to take. But i am not abe to bring myself to remorse.    I took a walk on shabbos afternoon, trying to figur-out why i don't have ANY charata nowadays?    GM Berachos,  one who looks at women doing laundry in the river, ain lo chelek leolam haba!!!      And all the lumdus I could think of, could not exclude me from this category! and yet I still couldn't muster any meaningfull amount of remorse!
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Re: shemirat einayim. Finally going on the chart 08 Apr 2010 00:35 #60355

  • silentbattle
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My dear friend - it sounds to me like you're growing. Your taivos are becoming more open. You've always had a major issue in this area, but you were able to hide it from yourself. It's very difficult to fight an enemy that hides, especially when he has such a good friend to help him find good hiding places!

Now, as the issue becomes more open, you can finally face it, and take the appropriate steps.

It's great to hear from you, and I look forward to hearing about your growth - but remember, all growth starts with first realizing where you're truly holding.
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