dear SE,
you are a very intelligent and brave man to face the truth of your addiction. Half the battle is won, whether you believe it or not. An addict is one who knows he has to stop, but can not. We can get pauses, but we are constantly afraid of falling again and again. How do we get out of this loop?
First, now that you have admitted that you are an addict, realize addiction is like an allergy. Once allergic to peanuts, you will be forever allergic to peanuts, even if you stop eating them for 20 years. one bite, and your throat will constrict, and you're in grave danger. SO STEP ONE IS TO REALIZE YOU CAN NOT FOOL YOURSELF EVER AGAIN to think that I AM IN CONTROL, I CAN JUST LOOK THIS MUCH AND
WONT FALL FURTHER. You must take ACTIVE steps to stay away from that which you are allergic to. Pass a pretty woman, don't give her a second look. Avoid the movies and the TV like the plague. Really. REALLY. Your life depends on this. you are ALLERGIC to it. Get filters and a filter gabbai. THROW AWAY the DVDs. REALLY. Unplug the TV, you don't need it. REALLY. GO FOR IT!! That's the REAL Sur MeiRah.
Second, realize that there is an underlying REASON why you WANT to look. There is something called your inner child, part of you deep down inside that is in pain. PAIN. That the fear of facing that pain, facing the uncomfortable realities of our lives, is what drives us to escape the real world by numbing ourselves with our "drug of choice," which for us is Lust, viewing and fantasizing and acting out. If we can be man enough to face those reasons, to deal with them, then we can get at the core of the CAUSE of our addiction and remove the DESIRE to look and act out.
All the Torah learning you have done is wonderful, keep it up, but if it hasn't solved the problem until now, it's not ever going to, no matter how many more hours of hasmada you add. But there is a way to do this.
You CAN get freedom from the YH of Lust. The 12 Step Program WORKS! TRY IT. THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE TO LOSE IS THE CONTROL THAT LUST HAS OVER YOU. And it is easier now than ever. Duvid Chaim's Anonymous Group is only one week into the program, still a perfect time to join, and it's already helping over 35 people, many on this forum, achieve the answer to the same prayers and frustrations which you voiced.
Here's a link for info: Please consider joining us tomorrow, on Wed's call. Send Duvid Chaim an email to arrange a private phone call between you to discuss what the program can do for you and what your goals are, the address is linked on that page. Or just call in, and let him know you're there for the first time.
Try it. You wont be disappointed. And you just might realize it is what you have been praying for.