Suggestion for the future, don’t flip through instagram….
I agree with joetyh, even if you yourself don't have an instragram account or the app on your phone, so long as you have access to it you will end up falling again. The platform sort of by nature is filled with such pictures and it's really built around that. Not to mention that because it's a free service, although this may sound a little weird at first, they want you to stay on their platform for as long as possible by using various tactics to make their service as addictive as possible. They are well aware of men's desires in general so this is just one of the avenues they employ to get that goal of their's accomplished, so by going on that platform itself you set yourself up for eventual failure. And this is one of the tactics of the yetzer hara, to bring you closer to sin little by little, with your consent, so you won't even notice when you're going off the cliff. You don't have to restart your count though, some here start the 90 days challenge from just m at first, but the I think the responsible thing to so is to distance yourself from that platform and any other similar platforms like youtube or facebook or snapchat and this is what I did. Because they really only exist to make addicts to their service because that's how they can make more money and they therefore will tempt you with this as one of the tactics, as weird as this may seem.