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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: Think Good 16673 Views

Re: Think Good 17 Jul 2009 03:47 #8982

  • Hoping
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70 days is amazing!
Focus only on what you have done and on what you are doing right now and don't pressure yourself with the future (ie 90 days). Leave the long-term to Hashem. Your journey is an inspiration to me! Keep it up.
Last Edit: by fromscarlettowhite.

Re: Think Good 19 Jul 2009 11:16 #9054

  • the.guard
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Dear Think Good,

Keep up the good work. You are giving Hashem great pleasure!

We created a new "automated" 90 Day Wall of Honor chart to make it easier for everyone (it is still under construction, but it is already functional).
Click here to see the new automated chart.

From now on, you can updated yourself manually. The chart automatically keeps track of how many days you are clean and what Level you are on, each time you update.

Here are the RULES for the new chart:
- You must update yourself at least once a week.
- If you do not update yourself for over a week, your name becomes RED.
- If you do not update for two weeks, your name falls off the chart.
(Even if you fall off the chart, your name remains in our database, so you can choose to go back on the chart by logging in with your username and password and pressing "edit profile" and then selecting "Put me on the chart").

To update yourself, click here to Login.
Type in your username: Think Good
The password for everyone on the chart is currently: GYE
(you can change your password by clicking "edit your profile" at the bottom)
To update the chart, choose "Still Clean" and then press "Update Chart"

We hope you enjoy this new feature. It is one of many new features that we are working on.
Please send us any remarks about the new system, or if you think something should be different or that we should add/change anything.

Keep strong!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by .

Re: Think Good 20 Jul 2009 09:51 #9110

  • think good
  • Current streak: 1 day
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Guard and others thanks for the support, but I guess you missed the post about my FALL

You should all know what kept me going for so "long" was your help. No question the fear of man is much greater the fear of HaShem.

On the one hand I have not been doing very well over the past few days, yet have an inner optimism that I will do better next time. I am gearing up for a new run and taking a deep cheshbon of how I was beaten.

One thing that is very clear - the main lack of control which returns again and again............

GUARD YOUR EYES AND CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS - once the yh gains control I have no chance.

My main remorse is I have let you all down. At least I am embarrassed in front of GYE if not in front of HaShem!
Last Edit: by missrdz.

Re: Think Good 20 Jul 2009 13:15 #9126

  • Hoping
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I for one do not feel let down . I mean, over 70 days! That's something that I can only hope that Hashem will grant me. Your accomplishment is something to be proud of and I am impressed that you are ready to continue this battle without a break! Please keep inspiring me.
Last Edit: by Hashem_helps.

Re: Think Good 20 Jul 2009 14:06 #9138

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 852 days
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The honesty is the first step. Kol Hakavod on that.

Second is to realize that you are still definitely winning this battle. Over 70 days clean! Imagine how many hundreds of times you said "no" to the Yetzer hara in that amount of time!

Third is to learn from the fall what caused it, and make new and better fences. This uplifts the fall to Kedusha.

Fourth. Please read Principle #24-30 of the attitude handbook. You'll find a lot of great yesodos for dealing with a fall.

The addiction feeds off the depression caused by the falls. Make sure not to let this get you down! If you learn only this Yesod on GYE, it would have been worth it!

You have what it takes to beat this.

Full steam ahead!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by .

Re: Think Good 20 Jul 2009 18:04 #9155

  • Yesodos
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I am new here, and I have just read your thread from beginning to end. I'm so sorry to hear that you had a fall. I guess that after a while its so easy to get overconfident and lulled into a false sense of security. The more and more I read the posts of this site, the more I realise the simple fact that PPL WITH AN ADDICTION OFTEN FALL, but nonetheless the same ppl do break free in the end as long as they get over it and keep up the fight. The messilas yeshorim says about kedusha that it is 'tchiloso avodo, vesofo gmul, tchiloso hishtadlud, vesofo mattono'. I guess this idea applies to us as well. We work hard, and keep working hard, until eventually G-d gives us the breakthrough we have craved for so long. Keep on trying!
Last Edit: by .

Re: Think Good 26 Jul 2009 08:01 #9710

  • think good
  • Current streak: 1 day
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I'm started a new clean run. Today is day 5. Guard I tried to use the auto update, but it would not update correctly.

I have been clean since 23rd July.

Last Edit: by shatrazon.

Re: Think Good 27 Jul 2009 08:56 #9788

  • ChaimChaim
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THink good

Do good
If you are feeling down, and that ole' feeling starts overcoming you - quick
look for some one to do good for.
You will feel good, and by reaching out and giving someone else pleasure you will have gained great pleasure and true goodness
Last Edit: by myrianhur68.

Re: Think Good 22 Dec 2009 11:20 #36736

  • think good
  • Current streak: 1 day
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Hello Tzadikim love to everyone.

Amazing how many new Tzadikim have joined the holy GYE's famil since my last post.

However, now I have again reached 50 clean days, I feel I must add my small contribution to the fight for Hashem. I have added a section from today's section of Tanya. Making a big effort in areas which are "muter" will help tremendously in our fight against our addiction.

אך מי שהוא בזוללי בשר וסובאי יין למלאות תאות גופו ונפשו הבהמית, שהוא בחינת יסוד המים מארבע יסודות הרעים שבה שממנו מדת התאוה

On the other hand, if a person is one of those who gluttonously eat meat and quaff wine in order to satisfy their bodily appetites and animal soul, then since, of the animal soul’s four evil elements, this desire belongs to the element of Water, from which comes the appetite for pleasures,

As explained in the first chapter, all evil characteristics come from the four evil elements of the animal soul, with the appetite for pleasures emanating from the element of Water,

הנה על ידי זה יורד חיות הבשר והיין שבקרבו, ונכלל לפי שעה ברע גמור שבשלש קליפות הטמאות

in such case the vitality of the meat and wine that he ingested is thereby degraded, and absorbed temporarily in the utter evil of the three unclean kelipot.

וגופו נעשה להן לבוש ומרכבה

His (the glutton’s) body becomes a garment and a “vehicle” for these kelipot.

The term “vehicle” is an analogy for total subservience; just as a vehicle is completely subservient to the will of its driver, having no will of its own, so (in this case) is this person totally subservient to the three unclean kelipot.

לפי שעה, עד אשר ישוב האדם ויחזור לעבודת ה׳ ולתורתו

But his body remains so [only] temporarily, until the person repents and returns to the service of G‑d and His Torah — whereupon he ceases to be a vehicle for the kelipot; the energy of the food and drink is then released from the kelipot and returns to Sanctity.

כי לפי שהיה בשר היתר ויין כשר, לכך יכולים לחזור ולעלות עמו בשובו לעבודת ה׳

For, inasmuch as the meat and wine were kosher and permissible and it was only the person’s desire for pleasure that degraded them, they have the power to revert and ascend with him when he returns to the service of G‑d — at which time the strength gained from the food and drink are utilized in serving G‑d.
Last Edit: by mimi30565.

Re: Think Good 22 Dec 2009 11:24 #36740

  • imtrying25
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Wow TG. Welcome back. Or maybe welcome me. Or...whatever. ??? Happy to hear that your on day 50. Does that mean youll hang around more?? ;D
Last Edit: by yosaf.

Re: Think Good 22 Dec 2009 11:25 #36741

  • Sturggle
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Think Good,
welcome back!!!
and thanks for the short lesson!
Last Edit: by DeletedUser8933.

Re: Think Good 22 Dec 2009 13:47 #36828

  • think good
  • Current streak: 1 day
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Thanks for the encouragement, but I never left I have been keeping up with the daily emails, just not posting
Last Edit: by maxgross.

Re: Think Good 22 Dec 2009 14:19 #36841

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 852 days
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Think Good wrote on 22 Dec 2009 11:20:

Hello Tzadikim love to everyone.

Amazing how many new Tzadikim have joined the holy GYE's famil since my last post.

However, now I have again reached 50 clean days, I feel I must add my small contribution to the fight for Hashem. I have added a section from today's section of Tanya. Making a big effort in areas which are "muter" will help tremendously in our fight against our addiction.

Good to hear from you, Think good!

Thanks for the vort from the Tanya... If you like lessons from the Tanya, it's funny, Yechidah just posted some beautiful lessons from the Tanya on his thread yesterday over here. See Reply #634 and on....
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by stfududelol.

Re: Think Good 23 Dec 2009 07:47 #37117

  • think good
  • Current streak: 1 day
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Today's Tanya speaks to all us addicts. Its simply amazing and a little frightening

Likutei Amarim, end of Chapter 7

אך החיות שבטפות זרע שיצאו ממנו לבטלה, אף שירדה ונכללה בשלש קליפות הטמאות, הרי זו עולה משם בתשובה נכונה ובכוונה עצומה בקריאת שמע שעל המטה, כנודע מהאריז״ל

However, the vitality in the drops of semen that one issued wastefully, even though it has been degraded and incorporated in the three unclean kelipot, can nevertheless ascend from there by means of true repentance and intense concentration and devotion (kavanah) during the recital of the Shema at bedtime, as is known from the teachings of our master, Rabbi Isaac Luria, of blessed memory.

ומרומז בגמרא: כל הקורא קריאת שמע על מטתו כאילו אוחז חרב של שתי פיות כו׳

This is implied in the Talmudic saying:1 “He who recites the Shema at bedtime is as if he held a double-edged sword…,”

כדי להרוג גופות החיצונים שנעשו לבוש לחיות שבטפות, ועולה החיות מהם, כידוע ליודעי ח״ן

meaning, one edge wherewith to slay the bodies of the “extraneous forces” (the kelipot) that have become garments for the vitality in the drops of semen, and another edge by which the vitality ascends from them (from the kelipot), as is known to those familiar with the Esoteric Wisdom (the Kabbalah).

ולכן לא הוזכר עון זרע לבטלה בתורה בכלל ביאות אסורות

Therefore the sin of wasteful emission of semen is not mentioned in the Torah among the list of forbidden coitions,

אף שחמור מהן וגדול עונו בבחינת הגדלות וריבוי הטומאה והקליפות שמוליד ומרבה במאד מאד בהוצאת זרע לבטלה יותר מביאות אסורות

even though in one respect it is more heinous than they, and [the individual’s] sin is greater with regard to the enormity and abundance of the impurity and of the kelipot; he begets and multiplies them to an exceedingly great extent through wasteful emission of semen, even more so than through forbidden coitions. I.e., when measured by the “quantity” of kelipot that sin creates, this sin is graver than the forbidden coitions.

רק, שבביאות אסורות מוסיף כח וחיות בקליפה טמאה ביותר, עד שאינו יכול להעלות משם החיות בתשובה

It is only that when measured qualitatively this sin is different. For in the case of forbidden coitions one contributes additional strength and vitality to a most unclean kelipah, from which he is powerless to raise up the vitality by means of ordinary repentance,

אלא אם כן יעשה תשובה מאהבה רבה כל כך, עד שזדונות נעשו לו כזכיות

unless he repents with such great love that his willful wrongs are transformed into merits.

Since the sin of wasteful emission of semen can be rectified even without “repentance out of love,” the Torah does not include this sin with the related sins of forbidden coition. Concerning this sin, all that is necessary to elevate the degraded vitality to holiness is proper repentance with true intent and devotion, during the recitation of the bedtime Shema.

In the note which follows the Alter Rebbe explains why forbidden coition requires greater repentance than wasteful emission.


מפני שנקלטה ביסוד דנוקבא דקליפה, המקבלת וקולטת החיות מהקדושה


The reason is that through forbidden coitions this vitality has been absorbed by the level of Yesod in the “female” element of kelipah, which receives and absorbs the vitality from holiness — just as the physical semen is absorbed within the female, in the case of these sins.

מה שאין כן בזרע לבטלה שאין שם בחינת נוקבא דקליפא

Not so with wasteful emission of semen, where there is no “female” element of kelipah;

רק שכחותיה וחיילותיה מלבישים לחיות שבטפות, כידוע ליודעי ח"ן

Only its (the kelipah’s) power and forces garb (i.e., encompass) the vitality of the semen, as is known to those familiar with the Esoteric Wisdom.


ובזה יובן מאמר רבותינו ז״ל: איזהו מעוות שלא יוכל לתקון, זה שבא על הערוה והוליד ממזר

From the above explanation, that the vitality of the forbidden coitions can be released through “repentance out of love,” we will understand that which our Sages say:2 “Which is3 ‘a fault that cannot be rectified’? — Having incestuous intercourse and giving birth to a bastard.”

שאז גם אם יעשה תשובה גדולה כל כך, אי אפשר לו להעלות החיות לקדושה

For then, once the bastard is born, though the sinner undertakes such great repentance as “repentance of great love,” he cannot cause the vitality to ascend to Sanctity,

מאחר שכבר ירדה לעולם הזה ונתלבשה בגוף בשר ודם

since it has already descended into this world and has been clothed in a body of flesh and blood.

Even “repentance of great love” cannot rectify this. Still, it is explained elsewhere that if the repentance is powerful enough it can actually effect the death of the bastard; and once it ceases to be a body of flesh and blood its vitality can ascend to holiness.

——— ● ———
1. Berachot 5a.
2. Chagigah 9a.
3. Kohelet 1:15.
Last Edit: by shanatova74.

RE:think good 23 Dec 2009 09:21 #37137

  • loi-misyaeish
Wow, a really great post! I never knew this. All it takes to rectify the sin is just saying krias shema with proper kavvanah. You know, it's probably the tefillah i mumble the most. Maybe time has come to work on it. Although my motto now is to free myself from the addiction before i do proper teshuva, but if that's all it takes, then i'm going for it!
Last Edit: by doctorr1234.
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