I fell tonight, I masturbated after the chavrusa
I'm disappointed in myself.
I'm annoyed at what I did on Friday, it raised by desire to act out pretty much every day since then, but on the other hand I'm quite happy that I lasted this long since then. Thank you for all support over the last few days.
Need to try get myself looking forward again, and quickly. It's easy to say, but much harder to internalise. I acted out again in the process of writing this, about an hour after the first time. 2nd time I watched porn for an minute or two. The first clean day of a new streak can be as hard as a whole week combined later on. It's easy to think that you want to 'get your moneys worth' and act out a few times over the period of a few days.
Right now I think my goal should be going to sleep tomorrow night with a clean day under my belt. It's small and achievable, but will also be hard.
Positives to try take away
I went 68 days clean, over 2 months. I've never been clean for that long since I started keeping track. I've been progressing a lot as well, my last few streaks have been 68, 33,1,44. Before these few, I'd barely gone above 3 weeks, so it is reassuring to see I'm improving. Also I've had menuchas hanefesh over many days, especially these last few streaks, which is promising.
Where to go from here, I'm not quite sure. I need to think and contemplate about what I can improve on.
This seems like a bit of an incomplete post, I feel like there's more to say, but I don't really know what. Maybe I'll post again later