Ihavestrength wrote on 22 Jul 2020 04:41:
First off a massive congrats on your efforts and results for the past 79 days and NOW as well when you aren't throwing in the towel!! We are here for you and rooting for your continued success! I've had some experience with depression in the past, so feel free to PM if you want to chat. KOT!
Edit: I upped your karmkarma for being such an inspiration
The reality is that it is indeed harder and takes greater strength to get up rather than simply not falling. As strange as that is, it is indeed true in my experience.
"Hashem Help Me" post=353133 date=1596056682 catid=4
Meyer, how are you doing? 78 is an incredible accomplishment. Look at it this way. If someone used to act out once every third day or so, that means in a year he unfortunately acted out approximately 120 times. Now let's compare that with someone who now makes it clean for 78 days or so - that is an average of about 8 times a year! Incredible. Besides, once someone has gone 78 days, one realizes that obviously these actions are unnecessary, and as desirable as they are, one can live without them. People working on stopping to speak lashon hara come to the same conclusion after "falling" following longer "clean" streaks. (Although many here would argue that lashon hara is not addictive, it does appear to have habit forming qualities. How many times do we feel, "i am plotzing holding in that juicy piece of info which will redirect the conversation about ploiny")
Thanks for all the praise, I can't express myself enough in words or through a screen either. I'v fell about 3 times in the 2 weeks-ish...being bombarded with thoughts and my makom habris is apparently extremely sensitive. I'm not even irratating it purposely, I hope this makes sense and hopefully someone has an answer......maybe I should see a doctor?