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TOPIC: Powerlessness 1369 Views

Powerlessness 25 Apr 2016 02:09 #285756

Hey holy brothers, Emunas Hashem here. Boruch Hashem today is a week clean. Hashem answered my tfillot! I never thought there was a solution until Hashem opened my eyes to this website. Id like to talk about powerlessness for a minute. Let me know what you think!
  Having been through substance and also some alchol abuse before, I am not new to the struggle against addiction. Ive realized time and time again how admitting powerlessness is the central and most important part of fighting addiction. It's not for nothing that it is step one of the 12 steps!
  See, cuz when you when you try to fight addiction on your own, it always proves itself too powerful to beat on your own. Despair sets in, followed by bitterness, depression and a whole lot of other harmful feelings and emotions. People, however, tend to be afraid to admit powerlessness, because if I'M not in charge, well then I'm really screwed!
  In reality, admitting you are powerless is the best thing you can do for yourself. You no longer have to fight the fight alone. There is hope! Sometimes feeling powerless can feel so powerful.
When I joined this website about a week or so ago, I was asked wether I thought drugs was harder to beat or sexual addiction is harder. While I still hold what I said before, that the question is not really an answerable one, I am noticing more and more similarties between the two. Granted, they each have unique complications and drugs is definitely more dangerous survival wise ( like you might overdose, or fry your brain) but they are very very similar. You use the same recovery tactics for both, and powerlessness is key by both.
Anyway... Chazak Ubarooch! We got this peeps! We just gotta hold strong! Have a great Chol Hamoed!
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