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1st time - my story
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: 1st time - my story 15123 Views

Re: 1st time - my story 25 Sep 2008 12:26 #373

  • jack
  • Platinum Boarder
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thanks, thanks, and thanks again. today is my 23rd day. i've accomplished more here in 3 weeks than in the past 30+ years. you are ALL true and dear friends. jack
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Re: 1st time - my story 02 Oct 2008 12:23 #436

  • jack
  • Platinum Boarder
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i hit day 30 today and i'm itching like crazy - mevakesh, you saved me last time, any hints for today? jack
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Re: 1st time - my story 02 Oct 2008 13:22 #441

  • Mevakesh Hashem
jack, my dear brother,

30 days?! wow! that is truly amazing. Someone who has overcome his yetzer hara for a full month, should be giving me hints, and not asking for hints from me! However, since you asked,i will say my piece. :-)

YOU are Hashem's warrior, and he is looking down upon you and saying "Jack, is one of my main men! I will give him extra Siyata D'Shmaya to persevere"

Now, the Yetzer hara sees all this, and he is itching a lot more than you to get you to masturbate.

So, my dear Jack, who will you side with? The Yetzer Hara, who is on his last straw and who will very soon be slaughtered forever?

Or Hashem, who was, is, and will always be the most powerful, omnipotent, kind and compassionate father to us?

It's really a no-brainer jack, and you know it better than anyone!

Jack: L'Chaim! To a year of prosperity, fulfillment and love and fear of Hashem.

Please post back here in two days, telling me that you have made it to day 32, as 32 is  equivalent to LEV- HEART, and it is a big milestone to serve Hashem with your whole heart (as it says in Krias Shema) and maintain your Bris Kodesh on day 32.

Go Jack Go! We are all rooting for you.

(If that didnt help, refer to the selichos of today regarding Gehinom. Hint: It is better to avoid that place like the plague! the itchiness there is a lot worse and unmanageable!)

Chazak V'Ematz!
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Re: 1st time - my story 02 Oct 2008 14:37 #446

  • MW
jack, I read this entire thread with interest and envy. Keep up the good work, and keep us posted!  I wait for the day when I can post my 30 day.  I’m up to one week just because It’s a little easier these days with so many yomim tovim and little and busy office time.  My biggest problem right now is curiosity, I am dying to check out some websites just to see their latest content and then I will immediately log off, does anybody else have that urge? it’s killing me.
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Re: 1st time - my story 02 Oct 2008 15:38 #448

  • Mevakesh Hashem
MW, a full week?! thats great!!! When I first started fighting the Yetzer Hara, a full hour was a struggle.

You did a week, and pretty soon you will be sharing with us that you reached a month, and we will all celebrate together.

regarding the new content, dont let the yetzer hara fool you like that! You know as well as anyone else that all the "content" on these toeva sites are not real pleasure, rather it is phony people pretending to have phony pleasure to  make you think you can experience real happiness, which of course is not true, as the most you get is 30 seconds of pleasure followed by weeks of guilt..

email me privately, and we can discuss this some more.

Chazak V'Ematz!
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Re: 1st time - my story 02 Oct 2008 17:17 #451

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 852 days
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MW, like battleworn once said.... The fact that you feel this urge to check out the new content is not a chidush. It's just the addiction talking. But the fact the you're waging war against such a powerful force, now that's a chidush. And that you haven't given up even though you're feeling weak, that's a huge chidush. The midrash says (shir hashirim 7, 1) that those who stand up and prevail over the despicable menuval, the whole generation depends on them.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: 1st time - my story 03 Oct 2008 13:57 #464

  • jack
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 502
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hello all and a gmar chasima tova from the depths of my heart-
today is my 31st day. and this is the most difficult battle that i have ever undertaken voluntarily. and i couldn't do it without the phone support.if you are trying this on your own, maybe the forum is enough for you. but, for me, i need the phone support - the withdrawal symptoms are too strong - i need to unload on a human being who is there for me and will listen. did you ever see a drug addict coming off drugs? (i can only imagine) what it's like. well, what i have is not a chemical dependency, but the withdrawal symptoms are (i can only imagine) just as powerful, and i need a support person to listen to me scream and cry it out of my system. i don't know how long i will need this, but the people are there for me, and that's how i'm doing it. and that's what changed from the past 38 years, when i always wanted to stop, but couldn't. the withdrawal was just too much to bear alone.but now, i have a new family, and that's what's doing it for me, plain and simple. jack
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Re: 1st time - my story 03 Oct 2008 15:57 #465

  • Mevakesh Hashem
My dear brother Jack,

I read your words and they bring tears of joy to my eyes!

Yes, we are a family, and yes, we will persevere B'Ezras Hashem.

Hang in there Jack and before you know it you will be saying to others thatthe withdrawl syptoms disappear too!

Hashem is looking down and smiling upon you R' Jack!

Kol Hakavod! Chazak V'Ematz!
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Re: 1st time - my story 03 Oct 2008 17:23 #467

  • MW
Jack, I don't have much to add but wanted to tell you that I’m thinking and praying for you, keep up the great work and keep us updated.  Have a wonderful shabbos.
Last Edit: by Holy Yid.

Re: 1st time - my story 04 Oct 2008 19:07 #468

  • me

    Please keep one very important point in mind.

I once went to a great Admor here in E"Y.  The Y"H had me around his finger, and I was broken. The Admor said to me:
  "Hashem has many soldiers in his army. Which of his soldiers does he love and appreciate the most? The
  The one's who are injured, tired, battleworn, and yet they still fight Hashem's battle, these are the one's that are the closest to him. He sees that inspite of their weariness, they still continue to fight.

Remember by the Avos and Imahos, Hashem did not make them barren in order to punish them. NO, Chaza'l say that Hashem gave them these challenges because why? Because he loves the teffilos of the Tzadkim.

Can you imagine how much he loves your avodah.

Your position in Hashem's army cannot possibly be imagined.

And, when the menuval tells you that he will not let you go until you give in, DON"T believe him, he is bluffing and he is frightened and he knows that we are now in a time when Hashem shows his Rachamim towards Am Yisroel. Also, it is Hashem who decides when Mr. Menuval has lost his chance. And what does Hashem say to the menuval. Just look at how precious my children our. You tempt them with all sorts of temptations, yet, because of their love for me, they don't listen to you!
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Re: 1st time - my story 05 Oct 2008 14:51 #473

  • battleworn
Dear jack (and everyone else)

We know that Yosef Hatzadik is called "Hatzadik" for all generations to come, because he resisted the persistent temptation of Potifar's wife. But the Gemara in Sanhedrin (19b) says that Yosef's show of strength was small compared to Boaz's. And Boaz's was small compared to Palti Ben Layish. Because Palti had the nisayon within reach constantly. I think it's clear that your nisayon at this point, is at least comparable to Palti Ben Layish's if not harder. And this is the mission that Hashem has seen fit to choose you (and me and all the others) for. We were entrusted with a very sensitive and dangerous mission. And Hashem in His infinite wisdom knows that we are the right candidates for this mission. SO CHAZAK VEEMATZ!!!! jack, MW, niceguy, AND EVERYONE ELSE!!! daven your heart out, and fight with all your strength. And just like the dirty, disgusting, disgraceful menuval uses everything he could to get you, you need to use everything you could to fight back. Gemar Chasima Tova, please daven for all of us, and have a very successful year.
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Re: 1st time - my story 17 Oct 2008 15:59 #523

  • jack
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 502
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a gut yur to everyone. today is my 46th day.i've passed the half-way mark to my goal of 90 days and beyond.it has not been an easy ride - just ask elya or mevakesh or guard, and they will tell you that i'm not having an easy time at all. as guard said to me in an email, i am feeling what death is like - death of my yetzer hara. and it's not a pleasant feeling. but i'm waiting for the end of the tunnel - i heard there is light there. jack
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Re: 1st time - my story 17 Oct 2008 21:19 #525

  • PostalServicio
  • Current streak: 1 day
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Truly amazing jack! An inspiration to us all!
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Re: 1st time - my story 19 Oct 2008 00:43 #526

  • mdmjerusalem
wow jack we are counting along
can you give us the 48 that should make it one more to the whole sefira
of course you wont drop it at these heights
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Re: 1st time - my story 19 Oct 2008 08:00 #530

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 852 days
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Yes, chaza"l say that the yidden had to count 49 days (7 weeks, like the 7 days of a Niddah) after the Tumah of Mitzrayim before being ready to receive the Torah ON DAY 50. Oh my Gosh. I just realized that SIMCHAS TORAH WILL BE ON JACK'S 50TH DAY!!

Jack, this just proves once again, that your struggle and amazing progress is divinely inspired and assisted, from day 1!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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