MAZAL TOV, MAZAL TOV!! I am sure all the Malachim in Shamayim are shedding tears of joy. Jack, my Neshama, if I had started the whole GuardUrEyes network just to help such a holy and sincere Jew like you, it would have been all worth it!
I have a surprise for you, go to
this page and scroll down to the Simcha Niggunim.
Elya and Mevakesh and all my dear brothers, warriors in arms, let us put on the Niggun above (set it to loop again and again) and let's all dance together with Jack in our hearts! Let's lead him under the canopy, like a Sefer Torah, and accompany him to the
The Ba'al Hasulam says that in spiritual matters, closeness and distance are not measured in miles but in "Hishtavut Hatzurah", meaning similar feelings and desires. I'm sure we all feel that we are truly dancing with Jack now!
Jack, I updated your Time-Line page
over here, all the way to day 90! I am sure this page will be an inspiration to many other Yidden to follow in your footsteps!
I also took your story over from the "
Determined to Quit" page, to the
RECOVERY STORY PAGE! Mazal Tov and may you go from strength to strength, and continue to inspire other yidden on the forum. When you have time, tell us a little about what you learned in this journey, and the steps you took to succeed. I will put this up on your story and make you a special chizuk page
over here.