GUE ... point taken ... loud and clear
Anon ... thank you so much for being mispalel ... Hashem ymale tfefilascha l'tova
Today is day 44 ...
Just wanted to just down some quick thoughts regarding my struggle as I transition bezras Hashem into the second half of month number 2. I am happy to report that most of the overwhelming impulsive urges to act out that I had experienced over month number one have yet to surface in the past 3 weeks or so. I do not mean to imply that I do not struggle on a daily basis. I certainly do struggle ...
The fight, however, w/ the y"h as I can sense it seems to be assuming a different form. It almost sounds silly to say this, but I seem to be looking back at my old habits and patterns w/ nostalgia. I often catch myself thinking about some aspect of P or some fantasy and ask myself is it really better now?
At this point, I have usually been able to fight the urges off by thinking logically about how silly and baseless the claims of the y"h are. After going through a back and forth regarding the rationalization of these fantasy's, I get to a point where I logically realize the futility of these thoughts and continue w/ my daily activities. But the y"h usually comes back within a day or two w/ the same rotten schora.
To be quite honest, however, I do not think that I would be able to fight these urges off without my sedarim and commitment to limud ha'Torah. If I did not drag myself to the bais medrash every day, I would probably drift deeper and deeper into these dangerous thought patterns. Eventually, I would probably begin testing my sobriety by looking at "questionable" things on the computer that my accountability partner may not catch wind of and even if he did ... so what?
By dragging myself to learn, however, I am able to refresh and reinvigorate my own thought and emotional foundations. I come away from learning feeling renewed and replenished and that is what gets me through my struggles on a daily basis.
I would imagine that the y"h will assume another guise once I get through this period of preshus from my tavos, but bezras Hashem I hope that my commitment to limud ha'Torah will give me the strength to overcome future obstacles as well.
Thank you all for the support and encouragement!!!
You should all be gebenched ...
Have a good Shabbos