yedid_nefesh wrote on 07 Jul 2012 17:57:
Your post contains alot of truth.
thank you, for an addict, saying the truth is a step forward.
But now just thinking about it I dont know if that would be the best in my case - it may just if I chas veshalom view p* lead me to actually act out. I know its not the right attitude to think "hey if im down i might as well go all out" but i need to be realisitic.
. didn't get it, sorry.
And why draw the line with p*? maybe any lustful gazing on purpose should be a reason to restart.
We can draw the line wherever, you're right. The GYE draws it at porn. Lustfully gazing at women surely disturbs sobriety and serenity. It's prolly not realistic to reset your count every time you look at someone because a) it's hard to judge b) you don't seek it out a lot of times, like Meir said c)you'll never get ahead.
But i do disagree about learning Torah - for me having solid sedarim is a protection against falling. If I fail to learn my overall will to be clean is weak for the day. For our sickness shteiging may not be enuf but for me it certainly a key component.
Of course keeping to routine helps. If you're learning, you are not masturbating. The question is if the learning can keep you clean between sedorim.
But youre right - if im not 100% serious how can i beg Hashem to save me.
I never said any such thing, Hashem listens to all tfilois and encourages us to pray to Him min hameitzar. Bein Hametzorim is a good time to start praying, then.