yedid_nefesh wrote on 10 Jun 2012 19:19:
So heres my question i pose to you guys: I read tonight attitude 15 which is basically about not fighting the YH head on but rather walking aorund him and avoiding confrontation with him altogether by putting up fences. BUt surely the more we are involved on this forum and the more we try to become determined to be clean and the more seriously we take this addiction the more we will think about the struggle and then we are back to step one by countering the YH head on?. Please will someone explain to me how to resolve these two concepts.
Taking this Y"H head-on means looking at women, sitting at a computer when no one's around, picking up a mainstream magazine and saying I'll just read the articles, I'll just look at her but I won't take it any further, I'll sit here and resist the urge to surf.
Avoiding this Y"H is an active process. It means actively guarding my eyes in the street by closing them when necessary, turning away, crossing the street. It means shutting down the computer, getting up and walking away when I feel the urge to surf. It means not picking up the newspaper or magazine in the first place. It means davening at the first inkling of a lustful thought or desire. It means connecting with fellow strugglers here or in meetings.
This kind of active avoidance, active sobriety, is not the same as "countering the YH head-on." We're not staring down lust, but we are far from passive in our recovery strategy.